You have just entered room "rkmbs."
ultimateradness: whut up bitches?
PenWing424: uschi, you should call that number
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: my fucking dick
PenWing424: whoa
ultimateradness: what number?
rexstardust99: >:o
PenWing424: the one the girls gave me
Glacier16: >:o
PenWing424: by the way, well done, rex
rexstardust99: heh
rexstardust99: I thought she was some kind of bot.
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrrrrrrr
TheElisaPrincess: poor pen
PenWing424: poor pen? freaked out pen
PenWing424: pen had no idea what the hell was going on
X0Italianbabe90: hey im bored
rexstardust99: >:o
PenWing424: there are wierd people out there
Glacier16: like italianbabe
X0Italianbabe90: ????
X0Italianbabe90: stfu!
rexstardust99: Yup, oakley, sideways, mcgurk.
PenWing424: ibabe, you need to register with the boards
PenWing424: reallt
ultimateradness: can someone catch me up
PenWing424: really
ultimateradness: ?
rexstardust99: And post pics.
Glacier16: Italianbabe
X0Italianbabe90: no
Glacier16: know your role
PenWing424: and shut your mouth
TheElisaPrincess: awwwwwwwww poor wings
ultimateradness: catch me up please
X0Italianbabe90: bc i dont want glacier seein me!
ultimateradness: ?????????
TheElisaPrincess: id call if i had a calling card
PenWing424: hang on
Glacier16: heh, I am the LEAST of your worries there
TheElisaPrincess: yeah glacys cool
ultimateradness: I will call, tell me WHY and what number
PenWing424: click the link
X0Italianbabe90: i cant
Glacier16: so you are....slow?
X0Italianbabe90: NO!
X0Italianbabe90: stfu
X0Italianbabe90: brb
rexstardust99: I think she's foreign.
PenWing424: ibabe, do you have a web browser?
ultimateradness: ha ha ha!
ultimateradness: I invited her
PenWing424: oh no
ultimateradness: yes
ultimateradness: random invite
ultimateradness: the chat was dead
PenWing424: oh
PenWing424: right
PenWing424: you did
ultimateradness: remember?
ultimateradness: hours ago
TheElisaPrincess: this is gonna be awesome
TheElisaPrincess: you should record the convo usch
ultimateradness: so I should call, eh?
X0Italianbabe90: rex go n screw ur mom!
ultimateradness: I don't have a recorder
PenWing424: definately, uschi
ultimateradness: hmmm...
X0Italianbabe90: brb
ultimateradness: how can I keep track?
ultimateradness: notepad
rexstardust99: X0Italianbabe90: rex go n screw ur mom!
rexstardust99: OK mommy.
ultimateradness: gimme a couple good lines to start with
ultimateradness: hello?
ultimateradness: I dunno.
ultimateradness: I'll deepen my voice. Call myself penwing.
TheElisaPrincess: lol usch!
TheElisaPrincess: you should
ultimateradness: gimme some lines, folks!
PenWing424: uschi: "hi, i invited you to a chat today, and your friend IMed one of the people from the chat and gave your number, so I'm following up
X0Italianbabe90: ew@@@@
PenWing424: "
X0Italianbabe90: !!!!!!*
PenWing424: and don't even think of using my name
Glacier16: heh
PenWing424: in fact, don't even use your own name
X0Italianbabe90: rex no i no u wanna fuck me but 2 bad
PenWing424: just see if you can find out if it was really her friend or if it was her all along
ultimateradness: ok
PenWing424: ibabe, i think you would fit in with the rkmbs
X0Italianbabe90: kool
PenWing424: look, you've already made rex your bitch, and you didn't even have to try hard
PenWing424: well done
Glacier16: ooooooooooo
X0Italianbabe90: but idc i dont want ppl havein muh pic
PenWing424: it's cool
X0Italianbabe90: lol
PenWing424: you don't have to post a pic
X0Italianbabe90: o
ultimateradness: fool, yes you do!
X0Italianbabe90: idk i'll thynk bout it
PenWing424: uschi, if she joins the board, after a while, she'll probably post a pic
PenWing424: pcg is online
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i promise i won't say i'll eat her out..
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: every post that is
ultimateradness: calling
TheElisaPrincess: keep us posted usch
ultimateradness: eh
TheElisaPrincess: im betting the number isnt real
ultimateradness: wrong number?
ultimateradness: yeah
X0Italianbabe90: ew bunny
TheElisaPrincess: yeah!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: sides was wrong too
ultimateradness: some guy, great accent
TheElisaPrincess: ewwwwwww a guy hit on wing?\thats just wrong
X0Italianbabe90: DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i promise i won't say i'll eat her out..
ultimateradness: yeah, but GREAT accent
X0Italianbabe90: ok?
ultimateradness: eat me out!
PenWing424: um, could be a parent?
ultimateradness: oh... right.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: your sack got in the way
ultimateradness: my left nut
ultimateradness: Fused.
X0Italianbabe90: no wing im not a parent
TheElisaPrincess: wow................
TheElisaPrincess: poor wings
TheElisaPrincess: could be :P
ultimateradness: sounded like a youngish guy
TheElisaPrincess: dpeending on how young the kid was ;P
ultimateradness: maybe, I dunno 25?
X0Italianbabe90: brb
PenWing424: not you, ibabe, the person on the phone
X0Italianbabe90: ooo
PenWing424: maybe it's your dream guy, uschi
ultimateradness: he sounded hawt
TheElisaPrincess: 25??????? no way
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* you had me
TheElisaPrincess: thats scary :P
ultimateradness: call him!
ultimateradness: call him, Penissa!
ultimateradness: do it!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: we hookin' you up!
PenWing424: go for it, princess
ultimateradness: get that ass!
TheElisaPrincess: me call him?
TheElisaPrincess: no way
ultimateradness: he's friendly.
Glacier16: ;p
TheElisaPrincess: what am is upposed to day?
PenWing424: you know, he could be an internet cop
ultimateradness: he was way cool when I was asking for Belaconda.
TheElisaPrincess: hes probably married, engaged, in a serious relationshipOR has issues
TheElisaPrincess: thats my luck as of late :P
ultimateradness: Say, "hi, is this dan?"
TheElisaPrincess: is that his name?
ultimateradness: and he'll be all "excuse me?"
TheElisaPrincess: you already talked to him?
ultimateradness: and you'll be all, "Dan... shoot, I think this says Dan..."
TheElisaPrincess: i do have voice ove rip so he cant trace teh number
ultimateradness: "my friend gave me this number
TheElisaPrincess: and said what? we'd be cute together :P
ultimateradness: "she said you wanted to meet me."
ultimateradness: and he's all, "no, that's not me. You must have the wrong number."
ultimateradness: and THERE's your IN!
TheElisaPrincess: you already tried this?
TheElisaPrincess: whatever usch........ive had enough calling strange internet guys :P
ultimateradness: "oh gosh! ha ha ha ha ha! how embarassing!
ultimateradness: oh man.... well, hi. My name's Ashley.
PenWing424: could be worse, princess
PenWing424: could be klinton
ultimateradness: do it!
ultimateradness: I wrote you a script!
PenWing424: it's a damn good script
ultimateradness: he sounds really hawt. smooth accent. he might be black.
ultimateradness: black guys have big penisesesess, Ash.
TheElisaPrincess: hey klint freakin rocks ;-)
PenWing424: sure
TheElisaPrincess: that boy is super fun to talk to
ultimateradness: BUT he's white and sticks the other team
PenWing424: he's gay, has a partner, and likes to flirt with women
TheElisaPrincess: shutup usch, im not into the getting pregnant and becoming a mother thing right now
ultimateradness: this guy has a nice accent.
ultimateradness: "oh man.... well, hi. My name's Ashley."
TheElisaPrincess: Usch you really want me to do this dont ya?!?
ultimateradness: I like your accent, where are you from?"
PenWing424: the scary thing about this
TheElisaPrincess: what if hes underage.........that could really screw me over
PenWing424: is that uschi could call
ultimateradness: I called, so what?
PenWing424: do a princess impression
ultimateradness: people get wrong numbers all the tiome!
PenWing424: say her name is ashley
TheElisaPrincess: yeah usch........take your voice up two octaves and sound enthusiastic so youd sound like me
PenWing424: and be telling the truth
ultimateradness: hey now, my voice isn't THAT low...
TheElisaPrincess: i figured you for an alto sounding girl though
TheElisaPrincess: my bad!
ultimateradness: but I'm not bass!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: this is funny
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: this is how my stepdad got arrested
ultimateradness: ok
PenWing424: someone should post this
ultimateradness: so I should call the guy again.
ultimateradness: tell him I liked his accent.
X0Italianbabe90: bak
ultimateradness: ask his name.
ultimateradness: what do you think?
PenWing424: does someone have this chat from when i signed on?
ultimateradness: should I hook a sista up?
PenWing424: cause the whole thing needs to be posted
Glacier16: rex might
ultimateradness: uh... do YOU have the chat from when YOU signed on?
PenWing424: no
ultimateradness: Ultimate Jaburg would!!!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh i might
X0Italianbabe90: i do
PenWing424: yeah?
X0Italianbabe90: i thynk
Glacier16: register at italianbabe and post it
ultimateradness: ok, but the MOST important thing right now is, SHOULD I CALL BACK?
X0Italianbabe90: yea
PenWing424: i have from when uschi started her script
ultimateradness: and if so, what is your telephone number, Ash?
ultimateradness: I'll totally hook you up with the brotha!
X0Italianbabe90: diggy diggy diggy cant u see sumtymes ur words juss hypnotis me n i juss luv ur flashy ways!!!
Glacier16: ::nono::
ultimateradness: I think you're a sexxay wimmin too, Babe.
X0Italianbabe90: ?
ultimateradness: what the fuck else were you talking about?!
ultimateradness: ok, before I call, I gots to know:
X0Italianbabe90: a song
ultimateradness: ELISSA!
X0Italianbabe90: thnx bout the sexxay thyng
ultimateradness: DO YOU WANT THIS SEXORZ OR NOT?
ultimateradness: I'm just tryin' to get in your pants, Babe.
X0Italianbabe90: sexorz??
X0Italianbabe90: wtf
PenWing424: exactly
X0Italianbabe90: ur a gurl
PenWing424: she is
ultimateradness: sex + orz
X0Italianbabe90: n im a gurl
ultimateradness: = sex
ultimateradness: yeah, thus it would be lesbian
X0Italianbabe90: duh
ultimateradness: elissa pissed off
ultimateradness: do you think she called him herself?
PenWing424: maybe
ultimateradness: HA HA HA HA HA!
ultimateradness: AWESHOME!!!
X0Italianbabe90: no im not a lesabian
X0Italianbabe90: lesbian*
PenWing424: we need to post this chat
ultimateradness: neither am I, wetlips!
X0Italianbabe90: ew
ultimateradness: all in good time, Pen.
ultimateradness: oh, get over it Babe
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has left the room.
ultimateradness: don't fear your own equiptment
X0Italianbabe90: ok?
X0Italianbabe90: ew
ultimateradness: And Sneaks is calling zTOO
TheElisaPrincess: sorry yall was makin a sandwhich
X0Italianbabe90: stop
ultimateradness: Ashley.
ultimateradness: ashley!
ultimateradness: ASHLEYYY!
X0Italianbabe90: we dont care
ultimateradness: BEETLEJUICE!
TheElisaPrincess: usch call him back
ultimateradness: what is your number?
X0Italianbabe90: hoo the fuck is ashley?????
ultimateradness: IM it to me
ultimateradness: I am and Elisa is
Glacier16 has left the room.
X0Italianbabe90: oo
TheElisaPrincess: You so owe me pen
TheElisaPrincess: especially if he calls my cell
TheElisaPrincess: at least a phone convo!
PenWing424: i do?
PenWing424: one day
Glacier16 has entered the room.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has entered the room.
Glacier16: hahaha, damnit mxy!
TheElisaPrincess: lol usch sounds lik eme.........freaky
ultimateradness: HA!
ultimateradness: ASHLEY IS CALLING THE DUDE!
Glacier16: which ashley?
TheElisaPrincess: me one sec though
ultimateradness: Elisa
Glacier16: =-O
ultimateradness: record it!1
ultimateradness: I called penissa, penissa calls the southern belle!
PenWing424: you two sound alike?
ultimateradness: ....................I'm on pins and needles!!!!!!!
ultimateradness: notsomuch
Glacier16: heh
ultimateradness: she sounds more popular than I do
PenWing424: oh
PenWing424: but you are popular
ultimateradness: only in my head, dearie
PenWing424: and online
TheElisaPrincess: i am so not a sb
ultimateradness: the popular kids poke fun at me
TheElisaPrincess: wish me luck
ultimateradness: gogogogogogo!
PenWing424: good luck
ultimateradness: .............. aweshome.
PenWing424: that may be, but uschi, you rule the internet
PenWing424: so fuck them
ultimateradness: buwahahahaha!
ultimateradness: yeah, actually some popular kids made fun of me today
ultimateradness: 'cause, you know, I look like a dyke
TheElisaPrincess: thats wrong usch
TheElisaPrincess: you dont sound like one!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: aww but your our dyke
PenWing424: they're just jealous because you are an individual who is not afraid to express her inner self
ultimateradness: so I was all, "I'm sorry my penis is bigger than yours... I can't help it.
PenWing424: lol
ultimateradness: then, laughing to myself I walked off.
ultimateradness: they kept yelling shit at me, but it wasn't so creative
ultimateradness: plus I have friends in the diamond business
ultimateradness: The Shayne Company
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: its okay, when i order pizza they call me little girl....
ultimateradness: far south of denver on emporia street
PenWing424: serously, sneaks?
ultimateradness: one half mile east of I-25
ultimateradness: open weeknights 'till six, saturday and sunday 'till five.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yeah, either that or "dude get a 976 hotline job!"
PenWing424: cause if they saw you, they'd splurt
ultimateradness: ...they haven't changed that commercial in my whole life
TheElisaPrincess: the dude bought it
TheElisaPrincess: his dad anshwered
TheElisaPrincess: i asked for eric
TheElisaPrincess: its his 20 year old son
TheElisaPrincess: he wished me a happy fourth and everything
ultimateradness: 20, 25...
TheElisaPrincess: said his son needed a girlfriend
ultimateradness: ha ha ha!
TheElisaPrincess: and to have my gal cal him back cuz hes home the rest of tonight
Glacier16: whoa
ultimateradness: YEAH!
Glacier16: so they thought Pen would suffice?
TheElisaPrincess: i guessed eric too.......friend form hs
ultimateradness: YEAH YEAH!
TheElisaPrincess: you so freakin owe me pen ;-)]
ultimateradness: hawt accent, right!
TheElisaPrincess: his dad was all talk......didnt wanna hang up on me
TheElisaPrincess: yeah......sounded like he was my dads age though
PenWing424: whoa
Glacier16: rock on Elisa!
TheElisaPrincess: i scored!!!!
ultimateradness: dude!
ultimateradness: score!
TheElisaPrincess: i have one of those teacherish voices
PenWing424: whao
PenWing424: you did
TheElisaPrincess: anyways..........he also said his son likes computers
TheElisaPrincess: "always on the darn thing" he said
TheElisaPrincess: and i am so not a prank caller :P
ultimateradness: did you record the call?
TheElisaPrincess: naw..........unfortunately
TheElisaPrincess: i shoulda
ultimateradness: fucknut.
TheElisaPrincess: thats the stupidest thing ive ever done :PO
ultimateradness: still, this is the coolest chat EVER.
PenWing424: it is
Glacier16: it sure ranks up there
TheElisaPrincess: lol glacy :P
TheElisaPrincess: I have one of those trusty sounding voices i guess :P
TheElisaPrincess: he asked how old i was and everything....kinda lied and said 23
ultimateradness: suddenly..... suddenly I don't not like you anymore, Penissa....
ultimateradness: I think we can be friends.
TheElisaPrincess: Lol..........totally friends.....this is like stuff youd do in junior high
TheElisaPrincess: calling up peopel and testing out numbers
TheElisaPrincess: :P
ultimateradness: this is the greatest telephone talk ever.
ultimateradness: I need a beer to celebrate.
TheElisaPrincess: Lol usch..................would the dad not talk to you?
ultimateradness: uh, I'm no good at telephones
ultimateradness: sociopath through most my life
ultimateradness: never developed skillz, I got off asap
TheElisaPrincess: whatever have a good voice!
TheElisaPrincess: you could teach
ultimateradness: teach bomb school...
TheElisaPrincess: lol............
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: italian babe fucked a firework earlier
TheElisaPrincess: itd so be nice to go off like that

Old men, fear me! You will shatter under my ruthless apathetic assault!

Uschi - 2
Old Men - 0

"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"