Oz Baxter: LMFAO!!!!!
PenWing424: whao
Glacier16: indeed
PenWing424: whoa
PenWing424: that is
Glacier16: that too
Oz Baxter: Damn! I think Rob got smacked around a bit growing up, you know?
PenWing424: it's so exciting, i can't tupe straight
X0Italianbabe90: hoo else wants 2 be on muh bl
PenWing424: why did ceej leave?
rexstardust99: She's dealing with that virus.
PenWing424: oh
PenWing424: stupid virus
PenWing424: (raises fist)
Oz Baxter: Plus, she's PMSing. She could KILL us all with her words....=-O
PenWing424: i don't believe that
X0Italianbabe90: lol
Oz Baxter: Believe it, brother!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: cool, we should send her off to kill oakleyh
PenWing424: he made up another wrestler to feud with
Oz Baxter: One of CJ's nipples could wreak hurrican level damages if she wanted! She's all that and fucking bag of chips on FIRE!!!
blue WEEZPJS: :-\
X0Italianbabe90: bunny?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: that must be one damn big nipple
X0Italianbabe90: can i add u 2 muh bl?
PenWing424: wouldn't know
Oz Baxter: That's okay, Kathleen K.....you and Sneaks could go commando-stealth and ice her down sniper-style!
blue WEEZPJS: im gonna go to bed goodnight darlings
X0Italianbabe90: bye
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: meh, go ahead, whatever
rexstardust99: Goodnight honey.
PenWing424: night, kat
Glacier16: heh
Oz Baxter: Later K
blue WEEZPJS has left the room.
rexstardust99: I'm going to bed soon as well.
rexstardust99: Gotta get up at five.
Oz Baxter: Yeah, me too. IBabe, will you get the lights before you come to bed? I'm feeling lazy tonight....
PenWing424: =-O
Oz Baxter: ...and Sneaks is already waiting on me....
Glacier16: =-O
PenWing424: =-O=-O
Jlfgrimm13: I'm mindmelding with the intarweb.
Oz Baxter: :-!
rexstardust99: >:o
PenWing424: =-O
Oz Baxter: :-*
Glacier16: 8-)
david finn 13: My Mom is having an affair with Sneaky Bunny???
Oz Baxter: :-X
david finn 13: Can I watch?
PenWing424: =-O
X0Italianbabe90: Oz Baxter: Yeah, me too. IBabe, will you get the lights before you come to bed? I'm feeling lazy tonight....
Oz Baxter: She gives good head, and I'm submissive.....what can I say?
PenWing424: buhgawb!
X0Italianbabe90: y did u say me 2?
MsKorina29 has entered the room.
Oz Baxter: Joe.............yes. You CAN watch....
PenWing424: hi meeko!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: do i have to eat ifected babe?
MsKorina29: Hey PW :-)
david finn 13: Yay!!!
Oz Baxter: Of course, sweety....it's not a three-way unless you can count it on three fingers....
PenWing424: whoa, that's a little yellow, meeko
MsKorina29: Hi JM :-D
MsKorina29: too yellow?
PenWing424: yeah
MsKorina29: sowwy...ill get a new one
PenWing424: to bright
Oz Baxter: No, Sneaks....I'll be the connector........oh. Wait....
MsKorina29: this ok?
Jlfgrimm13: too bright, meeko.
PenWing424: perfect
Jlfgrimm13: much better.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: errr, fine, i'll eat it but i'll need some bleach
X0Italianbabe90: huh?
Glacier16: jeebus!
MsKorina29: Whoa!
MsKorina29: lol
X0Italianbabe90: bunny were u talkin 2 me?
Balloonknot666: Good nite voices in my head
PenWing424: i have no idea what she's talking about
PenWing424: night bk
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: the infected taco of Ibabe
Oz Baxter: Come on, Sneaky! You know the rules! I get you drunk, slap you upside the head with a small tire iron, and you dominate me with the riding crop.....jeez, do we have to go over this EVERY night?/
PenWing424: =-O
Oz Baxter: O:-)
MsKorina29: So what's new?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: eeerrr, yes sir.
Oz Baxter: Okay, I'm off. Sneaks, touch think about me when you touch yourself tonight. You too, Grimm. Later!:-D
Glacier16: ha!
PenWing424: night, pro
PenWing424: new, um...
PenWing424: well
Oz Baxter has left the room.
Jlfgrimm13: leave the light on for me.
PenWing424: rex got a job
david finn 13: My Mom is gone. I miss my Mom.
PenWing424: and this really hot girl moved in next door to him
PenWing424: sneaky is making t-shirts for the boards
david finn 13: I have a T-shirt suggestion.
PenWing424: do tell
MsKorina29: nice :-)
david finn 13: Button-down baseball jersey.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: do tell or email/pm me it like uschi did
david finn 13: david finn 13: Button-down baseball jersey.
PenWing424: right, anything special about it?
MsKorina29: baseball jerseys rock
MsKorina29: IF...
PenWing424: you know, aside from having no buttons on the women's version O:-)
MsKorina29: they are Bo Sox or Cubbies ;-)
PenWing424: what, no tigers?
MsKorina29: I could compromise and sacrifice a few buttons ;-)
PenWing424: i love you meeko!
MsKorina29: I do what I can
MsKorina29: O:-)
X0Italianbabe90: korina do u have a myspace?
X0Italianbabe90: i thynk i saw ur pic be4 im not sure n if its u its a black n white pic n i thynk ur pretty
MsKorina29: Yes...I am on myspace :-)
MsKorina29: Yes, it's a black and white one...it was color, but sammitch changed it for some reason
MsKorina29: cause hte lighting sucked
X0Italianbabe90: oo

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.