rqbumbershoot: LOR!!!
LorMermaid: snarfy!!!
ultimateradness: Lor: where does the best beer in town come from?
LorMermaid: dunno
ultimateradness: Lor: how much does my pussy cat weigh?
LorMermaid: lol
WiuJeremy80: my basement?
WiuJeremy80: less than me?
ultimateradness: Lor: Why does my vaginaynay have teethies?
LorMermaid: ouch
WiuJeremy80: cause you're weird?
ultimateradness: Lor: How much is the biggest number in the universe?
LorMermaid: grandpa left then there
MsKorina29: I'm always staring at you----get over it ;-)
LorMermaid: them*
ultimateradness: Lor: Why do I hear voices in my head?
WiuJeremy80: who is staring at who?
ultimateradness: Lor: What is the hardest riddle to solve?
MsKorina29: I'm staring at you...nerd
WiuJeremy80: :-(
ultimateradness: Lor: when is "NOW"
WiuJeremy80: :-)
ultimateradness: Lor: what race was Jesus Christ... really?
ultimateradness: Lor: what is my favorte color?
rqbumbershoot: Why can't the hot girls be staring at me?
ultimateradness: Lor: how many is enough?
LorMermaid: i am staring at you
ultimateradness: Lor: will you just stare at Snarf for a damn second?
LorMermaid: and yur pretty orange color
WiuJeremy80: she called me a nerd
ultimateradness: Lor: are you psychic or psychotic?
ultimateradness: Lor: why aren't you answering?
WiuJeremy80: It's true so I can't be upset
ultimateradness: Lor: why are you named Lor?
rqbumbershoot: Really, Lor?
LorMermaid: i could but whats the point
LorMermaid: because my names Lori
ultimateradness: Lor: why do you like touching wimminses naughty bits?
LorMermaid: im psychic and alittle psychotic
ultimateradness: Lor: Why is it poiontless to answer me?
LorMermaid: because their soft
ultimateradness: Lor: don't you remember your damn thread?!
ultimateradness: Lor: why did you abandon us for so many months?
ultimateradness: Lor: why didn't you ever say goodbye?
WiuJeremy80: quiet Uschi!
ultimateradness: Lor: will you marry me?
ultimateradness: Lor: why must I stop?
ultimateradness: Lor: will my hands grow hair if I keep masturbating?
LorMermaid: oooh
ultimateradness: Lor: is it weird that I have a detatchable penis collection?
LorMermaid: lol you mean my ask Lor thread like waay back?
LorMermaid: ill marrry you uschi
ultimateradness: Lor: you really don't remember why I'm asking you anything?
ultimateradness: okay.
LorMermaid: lol
Glacier16: :P
LorMermaid: coolies

Old men, fear me! You will shatter under my ruthless apathetic assault!

Uschi - 2
Old Men - 0

"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"