OnlineHost: *** You are in "rkmbs". ***
OnlineHost: Now you can chat privately with AOL and Internet users.
OnlineHost: PCG342 has entered the room.
PCG342: Hello, kind obscene people!
PCG342: ... assuming anybody's actually here.
rexstardust99: fuck
PCG342: ... Dammit, Rex swore, didn't he?
PCG342: Yes, he did.
OnlineHost: PCG342 has left the room.
OnlineHost: PCG342 has entered the room.
PCG342: Rex, will ya stop that!?
rexstardust99: fuck
PCG342: No, you won't.
OnlineHost: PCG342 has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: heh
rexstardust99: This is the kind of stuff I live for.
UltimateJaburg53: Ham?
rexstardust99: booting tards from the chat.
OnlineHost: PCG342 has entered the room.
PCG342: Anybody other than Rex here?
OnlineHost: PCG342 has left the room.