You have just entered room "rkmbs."
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhhhh
The Time Trust: Who puts the BS in RKMBS?
TheElisaPrincess: TIMES!
The Time Trust: YES!
The Time Trust: I mean, no!
TheElisaPrincess: hehehe : P nice try
TheElisaPrincess: its okay pigsy...ill take it as as compliment :P
The Time Trust: Am I in the right chat room?
UltimateJaburg53: Pig Iron
UltimateJaburg53: TTT
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: canadians are suppose to go to
UltimateJaburg53: I went to your site for the first time today
TheElisaPrincess: yup trustys
UltimateJaburg53: The links and all that
The Time Trust: Whatchu gonna do with all that junk? all that junk inside that trunk?
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
The Time Trust: There isn't a, but there damn well should be!
The Time Trust: Anyway...
The Time Trust: What's new?
pigirondb: later all
pigirondb has left the room.
The Time Trust: How wude!
rexstardust99: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
The Time Trust: Hey, what was the final fate of Jar-Jar Binks, anyway?
X0Italianbabe90 has entered the room.
X0Italianbabe90: hey all
rexstardust99: damnit
X0Italianbabe90: rex u kno u luv mee!
X0Italianbabe90: :-D
X0Italianbabe90: n u kno u thynk im hott
rexstardust99: No I don't.
X0Italianbabe90: sure
X0Italianbabe90: u lil lier
X0Italianbabe90: !!!
The Time Trust: Who is this 15-year-old?
rexstardust99: How will know if your hot if I've never seen you naked?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has left the room.
X0Italianbabe90: omg
rexstardust99: That was for ibabe, not TTT.
X0Italianbabe90: u r sooo obsessed o seeing mee naked!
TheElisaPrincess: darn pigs leftt
TheElisaPrincess: grrrr
X0Italianbabe90: who u callin a 15 year old?
rexstardust99: You keep telling me you're going to send me a nudie pic!
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* when you call on me
TheElisaPrincess: comeon babe he says tha to EVERYBODY
TheElisaPrincess: i need a nude picture of you
X0Italianbabe90: ye not rite now
TheElisaPrincess: as if there arent ffity zillion porn stars out there
The Time Trust: Okay, my bad. 115, then?
X0Italianbabe90: o yes
X0Italianbabe90: no try 18
The Time Trust: heheh
X0Italianbabe90: :-*
rexstardust99: going on 15.
X0Italianbabe90: no
The Time Trust: I've known 15-year-old girls who could pass for 25.
X0Italianbabe90: sure...
X0Italianbabe90: well im not fucking 15!
The Time Trust: Just saying is all.
X0Italianbabe90: im 18!!!
The Time Trust: You're funny.
rexstardust99: So am I.
rexstardust99: I'm 18.
X0Italianbabe90: wanna see wat i look like
TheElisaPrincess: oh no everybody hits on teh eighteen ye aold
X0Italianbabe90: ?
X0Italianbabe90: ?
TheElisaPrincess: leave babe if you value your purity :P
X0Italianbabe90: how old r u elisa?
rexstardust99: 55
X0Italianbabe90: no
The Time Trust: 15
X0Italianbabe90: how old get its straight!
TheElisaPrincess: 26
The Time Trust: Oh, right.
TheElisaPrincess: rex is bou the same age
TheElisaPrincess: and trustys two years older
TheElisaPrincess: just fyi
rexstardust99: I'm 28.
X0Italianbabe90: every1 say their ages
X0Italianbabe90: 18
rexstardust99: b
The Time Trust: 61.
rexstardust99: everyone post a nude pic of themselves.
rexstardust99: ladies first.
X0Italianbabe90: no
rexstardust99: :-(
X0Italianbabe90: i dont have 1 yet!
rexstardust99: Who said you were a lady?
X0Italianbabe90: ignorant!
The Time Trust: I got a digital camera during the summer.
X0Italianbabe90: gimme is sooo rex is satisfied!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has entered the room.
The Time Trust: I now have a large collection of pics of my own ass. Huzzah!
X0Italianbabe90: ew
The Time Trust: That's a joke, son.
X0Italianbabe90: no1 wants 2 see dat
X0Italianbabe90: lmao
X0Italianbabe90: n dont call me son!
X0Italianbabe90: IM A FUCKING GURL!
X0Italianbabe90: god asshole
TheElisaPrincess: babe.....consider the souce
TheElisaPrincess: they still call me a guy
rexstardust99: aren't you?
TheElisaPrincess: and ive met two rkmbers :P
X0Italianbabe90: wat do u mean they met u?
The Time Trust: I keep pitchin' 'em and you keep missin' 'em. I almost had a gag, son. Joke, that is.
X0Italianbabe90: or u met them
X0Italianbabe90: like in person
rexstardust99: No, like in robot.
X0Italianbabe90: stfu rex
rexstardust99: >:o
X0Italianbabe90: :-*
TheElisaPrincess: shutup rex
TheElisaPrincess: yup spent the whole day with glac
rexstardust99: or what?
TheElisaPrincess: and like fou hours with animalman
The Time Trust: What is the proper terminology for an poster? rkmber, rkmbser, or asshole?
X0Italianbabe90: {}{}{}{}{}
TheElisaPrincess: for teasing baby
rexstardust99: RKMBer.
TheElisaPrincess: i vote for no lifer :P
TheElisaPrincess: rkmber yeah
The Time Trust: I've got a life.
X0Italianbabe90: lol
TheElisaPrincess: yeah but trusty doesnt pos tha tmuch soooooooo
The Time Trust: That's because I've got a life.
The Time Trust: Just wait. Two months, and I'll be back.
X0Italianbabe90: hey bunny
X0Italianbabe90: bunny?
TheElisaPrincess: i gotta headache *yawns*
TheElisaPrincess: im bout to quit ;p
X0Italianbabe90: R U THERE?!!?!?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: what the hel do you want
X0Italianbabe90: i was sayin hey god damn~!~!~!~!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: thats nice, find someone who cares
X0Italianbabe90: ur mean
X0Italianbabe90: MEANIE!
The Time Trust: Bunny's got the best avatar yet.
The Time Trust: Though it's very distracting.
X0Italianbabe90 has left the room.
The Time Trust: Who was that strange person?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: you really don't wanna know
The Time Trust: Google isn't much help. Just points to archived chats at Rob's.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: but she might still be figuring out what to wear
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: and blow drying
The Time Trust: Blow drying, huh?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: she hides buck wheat in her skirt
The Time Trust: One of the Little Rascals?
TheElisaPrincess: no
TheElisaPrincess: techer friend dropping by some copies *entering grades into computer*
TheElisaPrincess: hahah sneaks
TheElisaPrincess: heres your sign iw as bored today ;p
TheElisaPrincess: shes the othe rmath teacher whose calling in sick gtomorrow
TheElisaPrincess: cuz her best friendsin town
rexstardust99: (fart)
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
TheElisaPrincess: yeah rex come on now
TheElisaPrincess: its all smellin nice and girly in here darn it
rexstardust99: (farts in elisas direction.
rexstardust99: )
TheElisaPrincess: *slaps rexy*
TheElisaPrincess: sprays him down with girly bath and body works
The Time Trust: Rex has forgotten what beavers smell like.
TheElisaPrincess: hahaha
rexstardust99: Chat killer.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: baby killer
The Time Trust: baby monster
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: canoe molester
The Time Trust: They wuz askin for it.
rexstardust99: Leave jim jackson out of this.
rexstardust99: oops, I thought you said child molester.
The Time Trust: ...
The Time Trust: Well, that was awkward.
rexstardust99: yeah
rexstardust99: good going elisa.
rexstardust99: LOOK! OVER THERE!
rexstardust99 has left the room.
The Time Trust: That guy's "holier than thou" attitude is gonna get him into trouble someday.
rexstardust99 has entered the room.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: he'll never learn
rexstardust99: yeah
The Time Trust: Damn right!
The Time Trust: Even rex agrees!
rexstardust99: yeah
TheElisaPrincess: rex agrees? hollir than thou
rexstardust99: yeah
rexstardust99: This chat it dead.
The Time Trust: it really dead.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: sorry i didn't hear you with elisas thighs around my head
The Time Trust: Earmuffs... hahahahahahahahahaha
The Time Trust: Oh man, I kill myself.
UltimateJaburg53: Many people not here
rexstardust99 has left the room.
The Time Trust: earmuffs. Heh.
UltimateJaburg53: Yes
UltimateJaburg53: Hello
The Time Trust: Speciality Sausages and Pies from MuffsSpeciality Sausages, Black Pudding, White Pudding and Pies from Muffs of
The Time Trust: LMAO
The Time Trust: Sausages and muffs go well together.