
okay. i have alot of updateing to do for my blog so here it is starting with the most interesting day from this last week....

Tuesday: August 2, 2005:

sooooo, i got home from my parents house which was great i love being back home to my home. bugoos buddy shinobi is haveing a small get together of a few buddys and im invited so i go over with bugoo. FIST TIME I EVER HAVE GOTTEN DRUNK! and it was fun. nice kinda fun not roudy or anything. we drank crown and pepsi. i liked crown and vannila pepsi myself, bugoo too. it was great we all babbled like crazy, i got gitty. so i had to go pee and i didnt know where the bathroom was, frist time at shinobis house, so i asked bugoo to show me. he shows me and i start trippin out! his bathroom was so freaky, it had these little brown, blue, and pink flowers on the walls and the bathroom was kinda small and on top of that his dad had removed the one panel so it was slide down towards the potty but i didnt know that. i thought the walls where moveing. so i got kinda scared so i made bugoo go to the bathroom with me every time i had to lol. he was such a gentlemen even drunk he sat on the tub or the floor and faced the oposite direction so he couldnt see me. so needless to say we crashed at shinobis house. i even wanted to, well you know, boink him and he didnt let me! hes so great. i mean believe me he wanted to but he didnt. so sweet.


oi, SO, i didnt have much of a hang over which was weird cuz i drank alot. i mean ALOT. everyone was surprised to how much i had drank that night. i mean i havent drank for maybe a year. i dunno, but a long time anyway. i did throw up alittle bit but it wasnt much. my stumack didnt hurt until around 1 or 2 in the afternoon. and it was more like i had to eat super badly yah know. other than that i didnt do anything but sleep. so it was all good.



i didnt get my biffday biff though..

but its cool. so i spent the night on bugoos couch, cuz it was easier trip wise. he sang me happy birthday as soon as i woke up which was soooooo super sweet. we snuggled for a long while and then i took a shower. he played WOW I(world of warcraft) then he took his after mine. first he took me mini golfing which was super fun. he won. lol he claims i was taking it easy on him. i sware i wasnt then he took me go cart rideing where i beat him lol which is cool he was a good challenge, very fun indeed. after that he took me out to eat to olive garden. super good food. was very nice, romantic.. i had a tummy ack though from just coming off of go carts, to much adenaline but it was still super great. after that we went swimming in his pool cuz it was super hot like 90 degrees hot. and that was fun his little cousin and her dad was over too. next we went to my familys for cake and icecream and presants. puh, didnt get anything i asked for. wont get into that... kidnapped my bro to go watch spiderman at bugoos house then went back home. it was an awsome day!!

and thats about all thats been interesting... other than my unka is getting married monday. civil service in new york. im not gonna go. its cool though thats the way he wants it. they are gonna do the church thing later so ill go to that.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!