so'owwie, man does my head hurt. at least it does betwen the eyes and behind them. im beginning to think i need new glasses it has been four frickin years since i got new ones. all i know is im gettin pretty sick of my eyes hurting.

talked to my grandma about moving out shes cool with it which is awsome. she deosnt know how i should handle telling my mother but yea, im diffently gonna move all my stuff in first then tell her im moveing out. so she cant pull the "fine but you cant have any of your stuff" bull crap.

still dunno what im gonna do with my dog. but i dont know if i cant have him at any of the places yet either so. im gonna have to get on that.

other than that alls good. boo and me are doing well. havent faught yet, had one little minor tiff but your gonna have that every once in a while lol.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!