so'okay i said i would talk more about the situation between BF and my ex. see they where freinds since grade school thing is BF is three years younger than my ex so hes alot more immature. not that my ex isnt either but he still is less juvenal then BF.

i guess when shinobi and me whent to pick up E&P take out the night boo had his lan party, he asked BF what was the matter and he mention something about my ex. not really anything just something.

basically what i think it is, is BF is starting to mature more and see what really an ass my ex is. whats gonna happen, and i thought this right when he left me, is BF is gonna grow up and my ex is gonna hit bottem. they are both gonna go their seperate ways, grow apart. i can already see this happening with my ex and now with BF. he has grown up alot within these three months. and thats great we all wanted him to and its about dang time!

i also think that possiblly he doesnt like my ex's new girlfreind, or i think of her as fuck bitch. nothing against her its my ex im pissed at. cause im sure hes filling her with lies to, to get her into bed. basterd.

anywho enough about that.

see also you have to realize, me and BF where good frends for a good long time too and after the breakup we kinda wherent for more reasons then just the breakup. i also think that, cause i feel it too, BF is angry at my ex for taking away such a good freind. the more and more BF and me hang out the more i wish it was like normal between us. i think it someday will be but again itll take time because of how close BF is with my ex.

so the moral of this story is never take anything for granted and always no matter how much you love someone look out for your self.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!