so'oi, okay so we signed a bunch of papers yesterday to make an offer on the house so yea the best way to discribe the next few steps is sneakys dueling smilies, if i could only get them to work lol.

the realitor guy said that it usally takes about 30 to 60 days before the house is ours. puh. which means at the latest we will be in our new place sometime in december. oi. he did say sometimes but rarely it'll be sooner. he also said we maybe able to be in the house before we totally close so thats cool too.

stinky thing is we found out we have to have more money down then orginally thought which means we have to come up with a thousand dollars like now cause the guy said it could be any day now that we can have the inspections done and whatnot. nice thing is we get that back at closeing, well some of it about half of it anyway. so we are thinking about hitting someone up for it then paying them back... anyone? lol

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!