so, we got the apartment. i stayed in it last night cause it was just to darn cold to stay at my house... *sigh* still dunno what im gonna do about my dog. weve looked around and theres no place that will let me keep him and no one wants to keep him. i havent talked to my mom about it. i talked breifly to her and all she said was "did boo sign the papers for his apartment yet?" puh his its ours but anyway. i said yes then she says "well we arnt talking about that right now.." then why the heck bring it up lady. oi

it seams that verbel and emotional abuse is a serious problem, even worse then phsyical.. boos worried about me. im worried about me. im just so blue all the time.

good news on the shinobi front. hes been talking to a councler and hes doing alot better. turns out he doesnt know how to handel stress all that well so the guy gave him some pointers and sugested he get a good hobby for the hobbys he has now arnt really helping there more contibuteing, like his rc raceing. he needs something more relaxing then competitive. which is good im happy hes doing better.

so.. but.. yea.. im gonna talk to someone to help me deal with my mother. i hope i can get that resolved. pray for me.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!