so'alrighty then! tomarrow be six months for boo and me! yay!

today we ordered the parts for the computer and tomarrow we are ordering the case, so yeah we are excited.

i had the wackiest dream just a few mins ago. cant really tell yah what it was about cause i dont remember much but i woke up going WTF?!?! lol it was weird like i rememeber in one part i was like at this amusement park or something after hours looking for something but i dunno what and i walk into this like haunted walk thing. for some strange reason i go below the set and theres all these flesh eating heads of the ride operators down there and im running/crawling/screaming my way back out to the top, they are like biteing at my ankles and legs and such. freaky shit. well then i remember in part of it i was at work in like an office place and a coworker dude asks if i wanna go for a ride and just park and talk so im like sure it was a nice night. so we get into his truck and end up go down the road to his place where he like owns a bunch of these condo things. beautiful area. we get out and go to this one casue hes wants chewing tabacoo.. then i dunno i think after he gets a can we leave then i dunno i dont remember but yeah it was messed up im telling yah.

been thinking of different ways to decorate the apartment to make it romantic but elegant to but not so much that the gamer and anime stuff looks outta place. i do want a romantic bedroom cause im all about the romance yah know hehe. so, its pretty fun getting all that together. someday lol ill have this place the way i want it lol.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!