Point of Information:

David Duke, former Klansman, is actually critical of the war and President Bush

    Cindy Sheehan, a mother who lost a son in the Iraq War, is determined to prevent other mothers and fathers from experiencing the same loss.

    Courageously she has gone to Texas near the ranch of President Bush and braved the elements and a hostile Jewish supremacist media to demand a meeting with him and a good explanation why her son and other’s sons and daughters must die and be disfigured in a war for Israel rather than for America.

    Recently, she had the courage to state the obvious that her son signed up in the military to protect America not to die for Israel.

    From the beginning, this war was orchestrated from top to bottom by Jewish Neocons that saw the war as one for Israel’s strategic objectives. They ramped up the war through Jews such as Perle and Wolfowitz, the false intelligence through CIA analyst Stuart Cohen and by Israel’s Mossad, and had a compliant Jewish-dominated media to cheer on the war. The truth is the Iraq War has inflicted incredible damage on America and the American people. It is war against America rather than in defense of America.

    Support our troops…bring them home!

    Let them protect America and not die for Israel.

That would seem to indicate that Duke has more in common with opponents of the war, such as yourself than he does with the President.