
r3x29yz4a said:
How do you explain different breeds of the same species in the animal kingdom?
How do you explain different races of people, who seem to have skin color ideally suited to their native climates?

If its all intelligent design, then why have different races of anything?

Natural Selection and Morphological Physiology don't necessarily walk hand in hand. This is an academic of the evolution versus creation argument. You'd know this if you actually researched it.


Jim Jackson said:
Why put reproductive organs so near excretory organs?

Why not exactly? Where's the flaw?


If it's "intelligent design," why do babies die?

Your confusing design flaws with stuctural damage.


If humanity is the final state of intelligent design, why are we so deeply flawed?

How are you reasoning us as "deeply flawed"?

Last edited by Pariah; 2005-12-20 5:44 PM.