
Jim Jackson said:
There're tons of reasons that intelligent design makes no sense.

Why put reproductive organs so near excretory organs?

If it's "intelligent design," why do babies die?

If humanity is the final state of intelligent design, why are we so deeply flawed?

I started thinking about this actually, and it really grossed me out..the excretory stuff. Anyway strictly speaking man invented waxing hair, cutting hair, and toilet paper, and man infered the first need to wipe ass. Now I was thinking, purely biologically--pubic hair would prevent much of the infection because of dingleberries and clotting off shit to untamed ass hair (with the exception of the squirts). We, after all, are the ones who insist on wiping from back to front, and not front to back (depending on the person of course).We are the ones that decide to eat pussy and suck dick..if one just sticks the unit in the hole then the nose is pretty far away from the smelly bits as well. I'm not saying it would be pleasant, but just that in theory it wouldn't be all that unsanitary..in theory.

That said, apparently we are flawed and I'm not touching any of the other excretory organ topics--mostly because I'm not a cowboy in an Ang Lee film--so it wouldn't be my place. I might offend Jim with my opinions.