So essentially Jim is just calling on the "Why do bad things happen if God exists" kneejerk. Of course he doesn't take into mind that the term "creationism" in and of itself has nothing to do with making our bodies with perfect precision--But again, perfection and flaws, in this case, are relative to the views of certain poeple. In which case, whether or not we can call the shortcomings of our bodies truely "flawed" is debatable.

Jim. You can't prove that your body is flawed since your ability to continue living is based on the user-friendlyness of the body in question. If it wasn't userfriendly the human race would have died out a long time ago. You simply view these things as flaws. Other people won't agree with you however. So, once again, I prove that your description of "flaws" is subjective.


harleykwin said:

Rob Kamphausen said:

Jim Jackson said:
then why would an intelligent designer (at least on an intellectual level with us humans, certainly no less intelligent than humans) put... reproductive and excretory organs so closely aligned physically(to the point that excretory hygiene should come into play with respect to genital health)?

put the nose of above the mouth so that when one has a cold, one's nose drips into the way of one's mouth to the point that it can interfere with eating and drinking?

useless organs in the human body like appendices and adnoids?

well, thats where i turned the question back... for that matter, if evolution is built on the philosophy of aiming towards perfection, why would we evolve with all those shortcomings?

Whose to say we're done evolving? If we're still in the process of evolving, then we don't know if in another thousand years human beings will still have these "shortcomings". Evolution may not be done with us yet.

Actually: You're all wrong. You guys are thinking of macro-physiological natural selection, which was proven false a long time ago. The current evolutionist tune is based on the fact that random mutations make for different physiology. Nature, according to evolutionist theory, does not choose your body.

Last edited by Pariah; 2005-12-21 6:48 AM.