Quinn lands gently on the ground in front of Jason “The Reptile” Thomas, his silver glow slightly dimming.

Quinn: Jason, we mean no harm.

Jason (angry): You’ve come to steal my home!

Jason takes a battle stance with his arms spread out wide to his side, and his claws showing. Captain Midnight removes his bow staff and steps towards the young reptilian man, but is stopped by Quinn.

Quinn: We did not come here to steal your home. We are only looking for shelter. My fiancé’ was murdered, my best friend is in a coma and we are being hunted for an act of terrorism we had nothing to do with.

Jason’s facial expression softens and he lets his guard down. His appearance slighting regains some of his more human qualities.

Jason: My mother and father, they were killed and… I was blamed…

Quinn: Because you are different?

Jason: I couldn’t control my look as well back than. Some of the people in town were afraid of me. They thought we’d be safe in the country, but they were killed, and I was blamed.

Quinn: So you fled to the city? Stumbled upon this underground…

Jason: Sanctuary. The only place I can show my true form.

Doctor Marvelo steps up to Jason and puts his hand on his shoulder.

Marvelo: Son, I’m sorry for your loss and what you have been through. We can help you though.

Quinn: Right now, this place isn’t secure, or safe. It needs some work and some cleaning. If you let us stay, we can make it livable. We would never force you to leave.

Jason nods, nervous, but longing for a human connection.

Thunder City Robert Kemp Memorial Hospital

The hallways of the hospital are empty asides from a man in a long trenchcoat whose face is hidden by a fedora. He passes room after room, finally stopping at one that looks normal, but holds a special “guest.”. The man enters the room and stands over the comatose body of Hero. He removes his fedora, revealing himself to be General Forrest.

Forrest: You have given me much grief, Earther. This vessel I still thank you for, but I have let you live for too long. This is good bye.

Forrest removes a chemical from his coat pocket.

Forrest: Just because you can’t be broken on the outside, doesn’t mean you can’t be killed from the inside.

Forrest removes Hero’s mask and opens his mouth.

Forrest: Oh, how I was hopping to battle you fist to fist as I did your father. Not all wishes can come true.

Forrest moves to pour the chemical down Hero’s throat, when suddenly a bright light forms in midair and the shape of a man appears in a spiral of colors and light. A fist erupts from the heavenly mix of colors and shapes first, followed by the rest of Charles “X-Stream” Jenkins and without a word or even look, he punches Forrest square in the chest, sending the man flying across the room and into the wall, caving in his chest and killing him from the impact of 10 dimensions through a single punch from the cross dimensional rider. And as fast as he was there, Charles Jenkins is ripped back into the dimensional vortex and pulled back through time and space in his unending agony. He didn’t even have a moment to throw a smile towards his friend and teammate after saving his life.

But the important thing is that Charles Jenkins could still be there, just as he was needed to save his friend’s life.