
Jim Jackson said:
John Byrne has formally mandated a cessation of discussion on his site regarding SUPERMAN RETURNS.

    JB: "As with Spider-Man, as with the X-Men, Hollywood has once again gutted the mythology, but self-declared "fans" [are] eager to race to the theater and reward them for doing so.

    And you know what? I'm tired of it. I'm fed up with it. I am sick to death of opening this thread and finding post after post that clearly shows me that I, and those who think like me, have been wasting our time for the past twenty, thirty, forty years, working on superhero comics. None of the lessons we have tried to teach have sunk in. Superman can desert the Earth. Lois can have a ******* kid. Doesn't matter. Just make it fast and loud and shiny.

    No more. I'm shutting down this thread. If you want to discuss this movie, find somewhere else to do it. Such chatter is no longer welcome here."

Keep in mind, folks, this is the same John Byrne who "gutted" Superman in 1986, rebooted him, and insisted for all the world to hear that his Superman would now stand as the definitive Superman.

John Byrne, you sir, are a hypocrite.
