Pitbull vs. MWO
Charlie vs. Syxxty-Nine

Charlie made quick work of the MWO's female member (heh), despite Syxxty-Nine's best efforts. Charlie avoided a Bronco Buster attempt. . .

Monroe: What? Is he gay?

Bastardo: Gay for Joe Mama!

Monroe: What???

Bastardo: Nothing.

Then locked in a Boston Crab, forcing her to submit. Charlie again got on the mic, in an attempt to gloat, but the mic fizzed out on him. Charlie threw the mic down in a fit of rage and stormed out of the arena!

Meanwhile, in the SDC locker room. . .of justice. . .
Sammitch and Chewy waited for Killconey to reveal his surprise. There was a knock at the door and Sammitch got up to answer it. The door swung open to reveal. . .Killconey in a mask. A different mask than his usual one.

KC: Whattaya think?

CS: You changed your mask, big deal.

KC: No, not just my mask! Because at Convolution, your partner will not be Killconey, but. . .Dr. Tran!

CS: I don't think this is gonna work.

Hotties Match
Lor vs. Scooter

Lor made quick work of the rookie Hottie with a Last Laugh and began to challenge Ramada, who appeared onscreen holding the bag of Nuriko's hair. A crazed Nuriko stormed the ring and attacked Lor, laying her out with a chairshot and demanding to be added to the Women's Title match at Convolution!

Tag Match
Punch/Counterpunch vs. Dabney Donovan and JQ

Bibbo and I-Man were victorious in their return to tag action, quickly disposing of their foes, but after the match, Irwin Shwab lead the DCWEBMASTRS down to the ring, as they again brutally attacked the brother team! The two teams brawled out into the arena and through the back.

As they brawled past thedoctor's office, Sammitch, Chewy, and Kill-er, Dr. Tran knocked on the door.

thedoctor answered, still huffy from the end of his birthday bash last week and his surprise reunion with Christine Oakley. "What? I thought I told you already, Killconey can't compete in the six man match!"

CS: This isn't Killconey! It's. . .

Dr. Tran: Dr. Tran!

Doc: Killconey in a different mask. That's not gonna fool anybody. Go get ready for your match, Sammitch. I'll announce your partner at the end of tonight's show.

I make stars, baby!