I'll admit you people have done some funny shit in the past. Even the closing of Athanon was funny in retrospect (an entire website shutting it's doors because of some Kurt Angle posts is ludicrous and humorous). The Carinna Winters bit.

I think the types of shenanigans you pull are juvenile, but I suppose that's the point.

Truly, I just want any of you to admit that you enjoy seeing these people on this board and others emulating your trademarked ways. I know you have to get pleasure out of it. And I want some of these drones around here to admit that's what they are doing. Following in your shadows. That's all. As long as they are aware of it I don't care. I personally think it's amazing how you've amassed a group of people , fairly large, that acts a whole lot like you.

Of course, they aren't as original, aren't as funny. But They act like your little brothers and sisters.