And from the sublime to the ridiculous we turn to "the Vampire of Steel." As noted on another thread, I consider this both one of the biggest "WTF" stories of all time, both in terms of story and cover:


the G-man said: LEAST favorite cover: World's Finest 249

There's the dialogue. First Batman says "This man has been a vampire!" And the Phantom Stranger, in his best "Count Floyd" imitation says "Yes, my friend, turn and face... THE VAMPIRE OF STEEL!!" (you can almost hear the echo chamber on the last word)

Then there's the sheer absurdity of the scene itself.

You have Batman, oblivious to the fact that Super-vampire is standing above him posing like Bela Lugosi.

You have the Phantom Stranger not lifting a finger to actually HELP Batman, just telling him to "Turn and face" a Superpowered vampire-murderer. Which will be extra difficult given that the Stranger is, if you look closely, STANDING ON BATMAN's CAPE.

And, finally, you have Super-vampire who, for all his kryptonian powers, apparently moves as slow as a [Romero]zombie on prozac.

Add to that the smiling floating heads of the supporting cast (boy, they're happy at the idea of batman being super-vampire bait; they must think his death means they get to headline the book) and the verdict is in...WORST...COVER...EVER...