
dogbert said:
This is the first time I've been made aware of Obama's middle name as being Hussein. He's constantly being referred to as "Barack Obama." I've yet to hear anyone call him "Barack Hussein Obama" until today. I don't think even the editorial G-man posted referred to him by that name.

Why, may I ask, did you choose to include it in the subject title, G-man?

None of us call John McCain "John Sidney McCain," or Nancy Pelosi as "Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi." At least "Hillary Rodham Clinton" is commonly used.

You use of Obama's middle name seems...strange, somehow.

Oh, yeah, well you keep calling the President "George W. Bush." Why use his middle name (or initial) and not Barack Hussein Obama's? Huh? Huh?


PJP said:
he did it for me. I was aking questions about the guy and didn't know he was arab.....g-man informed me that he was. why is it a big deal that he included the middle name in the article? why doesn't Obama talk about his past a little more publicly since he is thinking about running for Chief Jihadist er I mean President.

Even beyond that, I find Barack Hussein Obama's record on taxes disturbing. Apparently, much like his middle name, he tries to hide his record a tax and spender.