I think if you read the "religion of peace" thread from the beginning you'll see I have real problems with Islam as its practiced. I won't detail them here, since we already have that thread, and I don't itend to debate it here, but I think as practiced or often enunciated its a bad philosophy and the fact that many of its adherents hide behind god to commit bad acts disturbs me.

I don't think that makes me anti-Muslim, since I've noted that there are rational Muslims out there who reject some of the loopier aspects of the religion (Again, not to belabor a point, or start a debate that is better confined to the other thread).

As for Barack Hussein Obama, I mentioned his middle name because I found it interesting, because it tied into an earlier conversation with PJP, and because I thought (rightly so apparently, given the number of replies to this thread about it) that it would spawn some conversation more interesting than "Barack seems like a nice guy" or "my white guilt means I must support Obama"