
Before I begin...let me qualify my short response: For those of you that don't know, I manage a retail jewelry store.

It's the Christmas season.

I am working 13 to 14 hour days. I've had 1 off day since December 1st and my next one will be Christmas day. I'm wired on 6 RedBull, 3 espressos and 4 Ginseng tablets...I've drank almost a pint and a half of scotch trying to fall asleep and, at 4:09 am EST, I'm still awake.

That said...I don't think G-Man was being bigoted in any way against Obama by mentioning his middle name.. Was he being incindiary and inciteful...?

Of course. He's G-man. Would any of the left leaning posters here expect anything less?

However...he raised a point that will be as crucial in the argument against him in the 2008 election as his skin color: Many under-educated and/or reactionary and/or bigotted and/or what-ever-adjective-you'd-like-to-pick voter: Since his name is not "merican-soundin'" he can't be for America.

Pa Kettle: "Damn, Maw...that Barak feller is OK fer a Nigra...he talks like us white folk and I bet he don't listen ta that rap music...but he's named fer one 'a dem Muslim sand niggers that's tryin ta kill us..."

Mas Kettle: "Well, Pa...he is light skinned. He cain't be all bad. Ain't his Mama white? I mean, I know she's a race traitor and all but seems like at least some of his genes would be for us God fearin' white folk..."

Here, in the MidWest, I would be willing to bet serious cash that some version of the above conversation will go on in the homes of some voters.

Barak is a great politician. His story is awesome and uplifting. He is perceived as a non-threatening Black man by many whites. He has the intelligence and ability, I'm sure, to be a great president given enough governing experience.

That said...I don't beleive that I'd vote for him as primary on a ticket. At least not right now. His lack of experience governing does concern me. I think he'd be better served as the eloquent compromiser on the bottom of a ticket rather than the unsure and untested head of same.

While I don't think Obama would do any worse a job that our governments' current "leader", I think Obama needs to make his opinions and voice more clear for those that haven't read his book and don't know much about him.

Oderint, dum metuant.

You are a god damned idiot, you know that? You ought to be smacked upside your dumb-fuck head, even after all these years. Shame on you!
-USCHI showin' some love