
Wonder Boy said:
"People like [me]" support black America, and want leaders who reject the vicious and divisive rhetoric that prevents black america from fully participating in mainstream America.

I think that's true on some level for you. It's just that sometimes you will say things that come across as incompatible with that statement. And so it's kind of hard to reconcile everything together. But everyone has a particular perspective on it. I actually agree with you to some extent that too many black Americans can't or won't truly speak for themselves. That's the real problem. Many of the people who are claiming to speak for them are simply Guilty White Liberals™ who maybe at some point did honestly want what was best for the black community but have bought into an agenda that uses minorities as political cannon fodder in exchange for marginal improvements in their quality of life.

Late edit!


Wonder Boy said:

Captain Sammitch said:
Yeah, there are bad apples, but you'll find those wherever you go. There are reasons for a higher concentration of them, but the genetic background of the people there is most definitely not one of them. So I'm afraid I would have to side with adler over DtWB on this one.

You side with the perception, not the reality, Sammitch.

That's not what I said. At all.

As I said at the beginning of this post, at times it felt like that's how you were coming across. It's a very touchy subject, and there's really not much room for ambiguity.

Last edited by Captain Sammitch; 2007-02-04 4:42 PM.


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