
harleykwin said:

Knutreturns said:
oh but i do have reason....You see when i was but a lad my father decided to take me to my first ever playoff game(of any sport). We got tickets to Game 3 of the 2001 ALDS...im sure all you yankee bastards remember that game (and that particular play) against my A's. So because the yanks ruined my first ever playoff experience...i hate them. Hell, even if we had one that series i still would hate them just because of that game.

Ok, so you're jealous that the Yankees are better than your team. Got it.

Harley, you are a wonderful girl and I would without question fuck you for an extended period of time in a diverse array of positions, but I'm afraid I just can't let you get away with this nonsensical rambling about the yankees not being deserving of our undying hatred.


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