A few thoughts on last night's game, which I watched in its entirety even though I had to wake up early this morning for work - thank God for coffee!

1) Great game. Great series all around. You got both teams playing in April like it's September/October, great offense, great drama. This is why I love the Red Sox/Yankees rivalry.

2) Dear Coco Crisp: you catch that fucking A-Rod homer! You race over to the bullpen, you jump, and you catch that fucking ball! What you DON'T do is flip ass-over-tea kettle into the bullpen and not come up with it! Wily Mo Pena would've caught that ball! Fucker...

3) Speaking of Wily Mo, can we change his last name to Cerrano? Watching him get stumped by the off-speed stuff is painful.

4) I'm not up on my Yankees pitchers, but it seems like this year's staff ain't too great (bothe the starters and the bullpen). I know that there've been injuries, but WTF? I see the Yankees making an obscene push for Clemens before he returns to the Astros and then trading for a major name come July/August.

5) Did I see and hear Papelbon come out to "Wild Thing"? Lemme see if I'm clear - Wily Mo has a monster bat but can't hit the off-speed stuff, Wakefield is the veteran starter who throws junk, and our closer is a fireballer who comes out to "Wild Thing"? Has my favorite team adopted my favorite baseball movie as its philosphy? We already have the grizzled veteran on his last (gimpy) legs trying to capture one more moment of glory (though ours is a pitcher, not a catcher). If I find out our center fielder is mounting batting gloves on his wall for every base he steals, I will officially be able to die a happy man.

6) Prediction: A-Rod has a monster season and then, realizing that Jeter is STILL the heart and soul and mind and captain of the Yankees, opts out of his contract to play in Chicago or California. He does a series of interviews where he blames the NY media and fans for pushing him out of NY and Jeter for not being his BFF. When asked, Jeter responds, "Who?"

I'll say it again: Jeter terrifies me when he's up to bat against the Red Sox.

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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