
PJP said:
too bad they didn't give out world championships in April!

many teams covet them april rings! congrats, all around.


Knutreturns said:
yeah cause the pitching is definitely gonna get better...

they're injury plagued.

mussina and CMW are out, which takes 35+ wins out of their sails. the loss of two starters means the bullpen is overworked -- to the point of needing to bring pettitte in as a relief pitcher. pavano and karstens are hurt, igawa is new... they're clearly in a rough spot.

the rotation will undoubtedly get better through out the season, if not just in the next 2 weeks.


Joe Mama said:
Great game. Great series all around. You got both teams playing in April like it's September/October, great offense, great drama. This is why I love the Red Sox/Yankees rivalry.

i guess it was an OK series. i mean, clearly working out better for you than us. but, still, the three losses on paper look a lot worse than what the yanks got out of the series.

with all of the above mentioned pitching issues, and then considering they're without matsui, posada, and a fully healthy damon, i think the yanks did pretty damn well. game one was nearly a W, and the other two games were close, and the yankees were at, oh, 70% of where they could/should be. thats encouraging.

once the april ring ceremonies have concluded, i think the yanks will be just fine.

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