Ghost Hog

Music: Suicidal Tendencies-Waking The Dead

Personality: Think Raven, but reborn and back from the dead. No longer a ranting and raving madman-now a silent predator that talks in mystical gibberish about life/death and a single-minded purpose-victory. Or some such.

These moves are for more technical matches, Ghost Hog would rather have a falls count anywhere-no disqualification match.

Slaughterhouse: Modified Frankensteiner springboard from the top rope.

Pork Rind: Raking of the eyes followed by a series of chest slaps.

Swine-A-Sault: Back flip with a chair extended or at chest level off the top rope.

Iron Cross: Jumping Colt 45

Pork U: Methodical, taunting Rude Awakening

Hog Hell: Pumphandle into a powerbomb

Schwein Slop Suplex: Northern Lights

Hogtied Cradle: Walls of Jericho modded to lean back more

Entrance:White, hooded robe

In ring... Painted White Face, black eye makeup, (all clothes white, light grey in color) padded gloves, gray camos, loose wife beater, military style, ammo belt, various military style boots..wet, short ½" hair. Baby powder in outfit causes white clouds to follow Ghost hog wherever he goes.

Allies: Former Officer Heidi Schwarz.
Hottie that's mean with a nightstick.

Last edited by Pig Iran; 2007-04-24 5:12 PM.