Name: "J"

Affiliation: The West Side Rollers!!

Entrance music: Godsmack - Sick of Life

Appearance: With his red shorts (bold blue stripe down both sides), J alternates between a tight white shirt and a tight black shirt. J also wears his lucky red and white Adidas shoes.

Description: J is a lightweight wrestler employing street fighting blended with less showy forms of martial arts. His preference is fast, close-in strikes. His signature moves can be mixed and matched to create deadly combos. When fighting from a distance, he'll use his opponent's weight and momentum against him. J is a rookie who'll only talk shit he can back up. Because of this, he's seen as the Rollers' go-between. He feels he's got something to prove...


The Ridgesword - A powerful ridgehand strike, usually used as a clothesline.

The Elbow Slammer - An elbow sandwich followed by an elbow drop.

The Sack Attack - A low body shot followed by a push and a leg sweep (done simultaneously). The Sack Attack can lead to a pin or a submission hold.