*We come back from commercial to see King Snarf proceeding through an exit.*

Monroe: What?!? I thought he was escorted to the locker rooms?!?

*King Snarf is approached by someone who looks like Jimmy Olsen.*

Random Jimmy Olsen doppleganger: Hiya King Snarf! That look-a-like you hired just got nabbed by some security mooks and the new head honcho.

King Snarf: Uh, thanks. Here's two bits, youngster. Go buy yourself some Bazooka Joe.

RJOD: Jeepers! Thanks, mister!

*King Snarf exits the Cheesedome, flags down a taxi, and leaves for the evening.*

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!