Before the match begins "Ode to Joy" plays as the GM, Doc Paragon makes his way down to ringside. He takes a seat next to Monroe and announces that next week's main event will be a six man Stairway to Hell match! The winner of which will receive a World Title shot!

Tag Team Grudge Match
Joe Mama and Grimm vs. Big Pimp Tim and Krazed

"The Light That Blinds" plays as the two remaining West Side Rollers head out onto the rampway. Krazed holds up a chair with Joe Mama's name on it.

K: First, you get the chair upside your fat head!

BPT: Then your punk ass goes over the top rope!


The WSR high five as they step into the ring and ready themselves for battle.

Then the Cheesedome goes dark as Rob Zombie's "Lords of Salem" cues up and crowd goes wild. Grimm heads out onto the rampway, chain in hand. He's all business as he heads down to the ring. The WSR try to jump on him, but a few swings of the chain send them back to their corner. Grimm climbs into the ring and hits the crucifix pose on the turnbuckle.

Then Ben Harper's "Faded" cues up as the RDCW World Champion Joe Mama enters the arena, Loosy in hand! JM hits the ring and holds up the belt and Loosy for the fans to see as the WSR plot in their corner.

Lothar orders for the match to start and it does with a vengeance as Krazed kracks JM in the back of the head with a chair! JM drops down to his knees as Grimm and BPT join in the fray!

Monroe: It's pandemonium! It's Chaos!

MarcuM: It's HAVOK!!!!!!!!!!

Krazed attempts to block Grimm's chain strikes with the chair as BPT goes for an axehandle on JM. But JM is waiting and nails him in the gut with a shot from Loosy! JM readies another shot, but BPT attempts to grapple Loosy away from JM! Krazed misses a chairshot as Grimm clotheslines him with the chain! JM kicks BPT in the gut and follows up with another shot from Loosy! Lothar calls for the bell and the match is over, but the brawl continues!

Grimm and JM look at each other and nod silently before turning their attention back to their foes and simultaneously spitting blood into the faces of the West Side Rollers! Grimm wraps the chain around Krazed's throat and hangs him over the ring ropes!

MarcuM: Am I the only one who notices that we have a white guy hanging a black guy in the ring and the crowd is cheering?

Monroe: You might not want to point that out to our sponsors.

BPT grabs the chair with JM's name on it and begins blocking the shots from Loosy! JM swings and misses as BPT catches him with a headshot! JM drops down as BPT nails Grimm in the back with a chair and drops him with a ddt!

He motions for Krazed to go up top, which he does and delivers consecutive Knight, Knights to both opponents!

MarcuM: You see? That's the advantage the Rollers have! Teamwork! Joe Mama and Grimm will never be able to work together like that, Monroe!

DP: I'm not so sure about that, Madman.

Monroe: The GM has spoken!

MarcuM: Stop sucking up!

BPT attempts to go for the Bitch Maker, but JM pokes him in the eyes. JM gets to his feet and hits a standing Enforcer on BPT, and then drags his thumb across his throat as the fans go wild! Krazed rushes in but gets caught in a bearhug as JM delivers an atomic drop!

Krazed bounces around and turns into a running clothesline from Grimm and hits the mat! Grimm sets Krazed up for a powerbomb, but BPT catches him with a lowblow. JM chases him out of the ring and they brawl in front of the fans! JM tries to ram BPT's head into the ring barrier, but BPT breaks it up with an elbow. He turns JM around and hits a russian leg sweep onto the ring barrier!

Monroe: This is out of control!

MarcuM: How can our GM let this go on, Monroe?

DP: It's the only way to settle things. Let them get it out of their system. It's what the fans want to see!

DP: Plus, we still have a lot of airtime to fill. . .

Krazed goes up top again to try and deliver a Kaos, but Grimm catches on the turnbuckle and delivers the Kobe Special!

Monroe: OHMYGOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grimm goes to deliver an axehandle from the ring apron onto BPT, but BPT catches him with a gutshot on the way down! BPT wraps Grimm's arm around the ringpost and begins ramming it into the metal!

Krazed nails JM with a Frequent Flyer from the ring apron and tries to roll him onto the announce table. But JM manages to hold him off. JM maneuvers around and picks Krazed up for an East Coast Hammer, driving him through the announce table!

Monroe: We lose more tables this way!

MarcuM: That's cuz Rob's cheap!

Grimm and JM corner BPT in the ring and pound away at him on the ropes. They slug away at him repeatedly, but BPT still attempts to fight back the whole time!

Monroe: I'll give Big Pimp Tim this, he is resilient, Madman!

Grimm retrieves his chain and begins wrapping it along his arm as Joe Mama whips BPT into the turnbuckle. As BPT staggers back, Grimm hits him with a running clothesline from the chain wrapped arm!

Monroe: He calls that move The Reaper's Scythe! I hear he developed it just for this match, Madman!

MarcuM: It's also blatantly illegal, Monroe!

Monroe: We're long past that point in this one!

The duo deliver a Reaper's Scythe on Krazed as well and Grimm motions for a Spike piledriver! But, JM refuses to do so.

MarcuM: I told you they wouldn't be able to get along! This is where it all breaks down, Monroe!

JM heads out of the ring and gets a mic, before climbing back in.

JM: No, Grimm. No. I'm not going to let you end these men's careers here tonight. I won't be responsible for that.

Grimm: What the fuck?! Don't get soft on me here!

JM: No, no, no. Nothing like that. I said I'm not going to let you end their careers tonight. . .because I have a much better idea!

JM drops the mic and walks over to BPT. He picks him up and carries him over to the ropes and tosses BPT up and over the ropes and out to the floor!

Monroe: My GOB!!!!!! Joe Mama just tossed BPT over the top rope!

MarcuM: That's fucked up, Monroe! That ain't right!

Grimm follows up by grabbing Krazed and tossing him up and over as well, right on top of BPT! The fans explode!

Monroe: Joe Mama and Grimm have just done to the West Side Rollers what the Rollers have done to so many other wrestlers over the last few months! We are out of time, Fans! We'll see you next week!

Camera fades as Grimm and Joe Mama celebrate in ring, while Krazed and BPT head to the back, furious. . .