Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: Knutreturns
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin

Jennifer Hudson - I'm Changing (from Dreamgirls)

girls got vocals...

lovelovelove her! She fuckin' owned that movie!

But then there is the original:

Jennifer Holliday - And I'm Telling You - also from Dreamgirls. Saw her perform this twice on Broadway when the show first opened. She brought down the house. Standing ovation lasted for minutes....

yeah just like ms hudson. its the role that made her a star...

big_pimp_tim-made it cool to roll in the first damn place!
Mon Jun 11 2007 09:27 PM-harley finally rolled with me
"I'm working with him...he's young but, there is much potential. He can apprentice with me and then he's yours for final training. He will remember the face of his father...

Some day, Knutreturns just may be the greatest of us all...."-THE bastard