i dont think arod will go anywhere, and i dont think it would be a good move on the yanks' part if he did. he's got a decade left of great baseball to play. i hated him years ago, i hate him now, and i'll hate him in the future, but... he's still an amazing addition.

i also dont think this year is a complete wash yet. they're clearly a team that can switch on and off without warning. 4 weeks ago, they were out of it. 2 weeks ago, they were only a few games out. now they're out of it again. boston has had a very fortunate year so far in terms of health and talent. that could snap away at any time (remember their drop last year in august?)

anyway, there's still more than half of the season left to play, so its impossible to call anything settled right now. but, clearly, they've been crap for a large chucnk of the season thus far.

cano has had an awful sophomore year, and damon and abreau have had awful yankee sophomore years. those three players are not even in the same stratosphere as the players they were last year, and thats enough of a jump to lose them 1-3 runs a game. arod, jeter, and jorge can't win the games themselves.

starting pitching takes a lot of the blame, but its actually been pretty damn good for most of the season, even all thew n00bs. their bullpen is another story.

not sure what kinda changes will take place, or what kinda changes need to take place, but i still have lotsa hopes for this season.

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