"Come with me" begins to play to the delight of the fans. Krazed comes strolling down the ramp. He high-fives a few fans who have chairs with Grimms face crossed out on them. He grabs the mic:

Krazed: Hows it going peoples....? (screams in the audience) I missed you all. They havent scheduled me for a match in a while. I guess they wanted me fresh for SCAMMI-FUCKING-VERSARY!

he pauses to take in the audience

And that can be nothing but bad news for my opponent: Grandpa Grimm. Now look man. I dont enjoy beating the hell out of senior citizens. But after what you did to Jeremy last week I just thought you should know that I'm not gonna hold back. You crossed some lines with that stunt. NO ONE takes a member of my squad out! Especially when he hasnt even got my damn soda yet! So look. I know that while your watching this, drinking your pomegranate juice, your trying to figure out what dark and scary "oh i work for the devil. sold your soul-can't get it back" bullshit to come up with in retaliation. \:blahblah\:

crowd laughs

Nobody cares about that. No one is scared of you "Gramps" cept maybe that fag Josephine Mother (who talks waaay too much by the way). So heres what im gonna do for you. Im gonna kick your ass so bad tonight that you'll be begging to retire. Here:

I even found a place for you... So, besides this ass whoppin your about to get, dont say I never gave you anything...

he drops the mic and walks back up the ramp...