War Pigs sounds as the Doctor, wearing a tuxedo, steps onto the ramp and down to the podium. He looks over the audience before turning his attention to the Cheese-o-tron showing a montage of his career from wrestler to GM of the RDCW.

Thank you. This is a great honor. I couldn't think of anyone else more deserving of this honor than the other inductees here tonight. To be considered worthy enough to enter the Hall of Fame with them fills me with a great sense of pride. There is no better business than the wrestling business; and there isn't a promotion that does it better than the RDCW. Nor are there fans greater than the ones who fill the Cheesedome.

Nowhereman is the quintessential surly bastard with the in ring intensity of a pub brawler and the vocal prowess of a coked out hair band. Louie Bastardo is the PT Barnum of the modern wrestling era, if Barnum had spray-on hair. And Son of Mxy created a whole new genre of wrestling while his fans felt confused about whether beating off to his/her matches was okay or not. They are just a small portion of the men, women, and men/women in the RDCW who are giving a new meaning to what it is to be a wrestler and to what wrestling itself is, can, and should be.

Honestly, there is nothing more that I can really say that hasn't already been said before and better by those who came up here before me. I can only think to remind everyone here, wrestler and fan alike, about what this should be here in the Cheesedome. It's not about the egos or the pyro. It's about people working together to put on the biggest spectacle of human endurance and skill. It's about passion. Passion for wrestling. Passion for the art. I ask one simple thing from each one of you in the audience and in the locker room. Don't let that passion die. Keep it alive, and keep the RDCW alive.

Once again, thank you and goodnight.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."