(direct link to Caldwell's report) or to avoid pop-ups, check Neo-Geo Forum: Official WWE Thread Post #7044 and posts thereafter.

1 -- MVP vs. MATT HARDY -- U.S. Title match
WINNER: MVP in 14:00 to retain the U.S. Title. Nearfalls: Hardy 9, MVP 7. Very good opening match. It was sloppy at times, but in a way that played into the believability of the in-ring action since it's theoretically a real fight. Surprisingly, they opened the show with a heel retaining a belt. (***)

2 -- CRUISERWEIGHT OPEN -- CW Title match
WINNER: Hornswoggle in 6:00 to capture the CW Title. Nearfalls: Yang 2, Moore 3, Noble 1, Chavo 1, Funaki 1. Blame Caldwell. I think I half-jokingly suggested this in the C&R Audio Update previewing the Bash. This isn't new territory for Hornswoggle, who won a version of the X Division Title on the NWA circuit as Shortstack before coming to WWE. (*1/2)

3 -- THE SANDMAN vs. CARLITO -- Singapore Cane on a pole match
WINNER: Carlito in 6:00. Nearfalls: None. Basic singles match. Can't really be disappointed that they didn't use the Kendo Stick since the match wasn't even advertised on TV. (*)

4 -- CANDICE MICHELLE vs. MELINA -- Women's Title match
WINNER: Candice in 6:00 to retain the Women's Title. Nearfalls: Melina 2, Candice 2. Decent action. A struggle at times, as Candice is getting there, but she's not fluid for the entire length of a match. (*1/4)

5 -- UMAGA vs. JEFF HARDY -- Intercontinental Title match
WINNER: Umaga in 12:00 to retain the IC Title. Nearfalls: Hardy 3, Umaga 2. What a dramatic final five minutes. Easily the most exciting stretch of wrestling on the show tonight. Umaga is under-rated as a worker, while the Hardys continue to deliver solid wrestling as singles wrestlers. (***1/4)

6 -- JOHN MORRISON vs. C.M. PUNK -- ECW Title match
WINNER: Morrison in 8:00 to retain the ECW Title. Nearfalls: Nitro 3, Punk 6. Crowd came down from the IC Title match and just watched this one. Decent action. Let's hope Punk was just selling that knee, but the pin seemed to be an audible called in the ring. (**)

7 -- RANDY ORTON vs. DUSTY RHODES -- Texas Bullrope match
WINNER: Orton in 6:00. Nearfalls: Dusty 0, Orton 0. Entertaining, but for being one of the most-hyped matches on the card, six minutes was too short, especially when the match was starting to build momentum. Maybe I've seen too many wrestling angles, but I can't help but think the Cody-turns-on-Dusty angle is coming at some point. (*1/2)

8 -- GREAT KHALI (w/The Translator) vs. BATISTA vs. KANE -- World Hvt. Title match
WINNER: Khali in 11:00 to retain the World Hvt. Title. Nearfalls: Kane 2, Batista 1, Khali 1. Decent drama considering the lack of athleticism in the ring. They're going to have to do more gimmick matches with Khali as champion because there aren't too many John Cenas on the roster to carry him to a solid WWE-style main event match. (**1/4)

9 -- JOHN CENA vs. BOBBY LASHLEY -- WWE Title match
WINNER: Cena in 15:00 to retain the WWE Title. Nearfalls: Lashley 8, Cena 3. The fastest 15-minute title match I can remember because it just flowed so well. It seems like they were just getting started once they went to the finish at 15:00, yet there was great drama packed into that quarter-hour that it was a complete title match. Lashley losing a close match indirectly put over the other men on the card who lost close matches. A well-booked conclusion to the PPV. (***1/2)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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