Steel Cage Match

Balls Nasty vs. Chewy Walrus

*TNT sounds as Chewy Walrus makes his way down the ramp. His usually jovial entrance is more somber this time as he eyes the steel cage that was set up around the ring.*

Monroe: Here comes Chewy Walrus, ready to battle Balls Nasty in a steel cage in a match of revenge. Revenge for Balls Nasty for Chewy Walrus almost putting him out of competition for good. Revenge for Chewy Walrus for all the harm Balls Nasty has caused him and his tag partner Killconey, who has, as of yet, not been cleared for activity in the ring. And let's not forget what Balls Nasty said earlier tonight, Marcum. He's got some sort of surprise in store for the Walrus if you can believe what he said.

Marcum: Oh, stuff it, Monroe! You know damn well that Balls Nasty doesn't make idle threats. Whatever he's got planned for Chewy tonight, you know and I know that it's not going to be pretty.

*Chewy stands in the middle of the ring as Bad Company sounds, and Balls Nasty begins his walk down the ramp with a big smile on his face. Chewy paces in the ring, waiting. As Nasty gets right up to the ring he stops. He starts laughing a little as he begins to make hand motions towards the ceiling of the Cheesedome. A steel caged platform starts lowering down to the ring. RDCW employees climb the corners of the steel cage and pull it into place on top of the cage. Nasty finally enters the cage.*

Monroe: What's this? They're sealed in there like a buncha trapped rats! What's the deal here?

Marcum: Shut up, Monroe! Maybe if you'd listen instead of running your mouth, you'd learn something.

James White: Ladies and gentlemen. I have just received this notice from the RDCW General Manager Doc Paragon. This match, as determined by the contract signed by both competitors, is NOT a standard Steel Cage Match. It is, instead, a Last Man Standing Match.

*Before the bell rings, Nasty goes on the attack. He smashes his forearm into the side of Chewy's head and begins a series of blows. Chewy fights back and answers with a series of chops to the chest. They fight back and forth for several minutes until Walrus gains the upper hand and tossed Nasty back first into the cage. Using his power and momentum, Chewy keeps tossing Nasty around from one side of the cage to the other.

As the Walrus reaches down to pull Nasty up off the ground, Balls rakes his eyes. As Chewy stumbles around, blind, Balls Nasty hits him in the back with a drop kick, sending Chewy into the corner. Nasty using the positioning to ram Walrus's head into the steel pole in the corner. Nasty then takes Chewy by the head and leads him to the side of the cage and begins to run his forehead against the bare steel until he begins bleeding. Mustering his strength, Chewy reverses the hold into a back drop. Obviously overtaken by the adrenaline and dizziness from the blows to the head, Chewy tries to go for a pin. The ref tries to remind him that pins don't count. Chewy picks Nasty up and tosses him into the ropes and hits a big boot on the returning Balls.

Walrus uses the corner to hold himself up as the ref begins the ten count. Nasty pulls himself up and goes on the attack. Nasty attacks Walrus's knees to keep him off his feet. Chewy stays close to the ropes to keep himself up, but Nasty decides to use that to his advantage and successfully tangles the Walrus's head in the ropes and begins choking him. The ref tries to break it up, but Nasty pushes him away. The ref grabs him again, and Nasty turns his attention away from Chewy to yell at the ref. Chewy breaks free. On wobbly knees, he makes his way up just in time to hit the Walrus Wallop (a clothesline) on Nasty. Both men crash to the mat and stop moving.

The ref begins his ten count. Both men crawl to opposite sides of the ring. On the count of six, Chewy begins to pull himself up using the ropes. Nasty begins the same thing on the other side.*

Monroe: Looks like Chewy is setting up for the Walrus Tusk. This is the very move that put Balls Nasty out of commission last time.

Marcum: No! Turn around!

*Walrus beings his charge as Nasty stands up and turns around. But Nasty still has enough time to duck out of Chewy's way. Chewy Walrus shoots past Balls and into the side of the steel cage head first. The sheer force of the impact broke the bracings on the side of the cage as Chewy continues on through. The whole side of the cage comes crashing down, with the Walrus laying on top of it. Balls Nasty climbs out of the ring and down to Chewy. He grabs Chewy by the hair and begins to grate his face across the steel.*

Monroe: Now, this is uncalled for!

Marcum: Yeah, but it's great to watch!

*Nasty rolls Chewy onto his back and climbs back into the ring and onto the turn buckle.*

Marcum: That's it, Balls! Take him out for good!

*Nasty leaps from the turnbuckle and hits the Kentucky Falls on Chewy Walrus. He rolls away, a little hurt by the move himself; but he's able to pick himself up. The ref begins the ten count again, but Balls already knows it's over and begins strutting around the ring with a smile on his face, wincing every now and then.*

Marcum: 8! 9! 10! Balls Nasty is the winner!

*Nasty lifts his own arms, painfully, into the air. As he climbs down the side of the ring with the fallen cage, he takes a moment to spit on Chewy's face, and then rub it in with his boot before returning to the locker room.