Marcum: As we get set for this next match between Ghost hog and Big pimp Tim we are pleased to be joined by the RDCW Champion…Joe Mama, as our ringside special guest announcer. Thanks , JM.

JM: Good to be back here again, as I prepare to decimate Sammitch later tonight. I still have a score to settle with BPT and it's time to do some scouting.

Monroe: Indeed, JM.

Schwartz makes her way to the ring and stands in the center to the adoring cheers of the assembled masses.

Monroe, MarcuM, and JM: Daaaaaaaaaaammmnnnnn. . .

GH enters next and stands in his corner as Schwartz lowers her eyes. BPT makes an energetic entrance to many pops and assorted boos, but Schwartz keeps her head low still…BPT walks up to Schwartz and as she doesn’t acknowledge him he simply shrugs his shoulders. Schwartz immediately turns and runs over to GH and embraces him…the onlooking BPT shakes his head in disgust and cracks his neck. GH gets a surprised look and holds the rope for Schwartz as she exits the ring. The match starts furiously as GH immediately launches into BPT with running leap/spear. Many punches from GH follow, and BPT gets the strength up to push GH off of him…lifting him into the air. Both get up about the same time as BPT drops a quick kick to the knee and then to the midsection. BPT then launches some chest slaps and follows up with a a few blows to the head of GH.

Joe Mama: He's not gonna take out Ghost Hog with a head shot. A face shot, maybe. I'm sure Schwartz would know more about that.

MarcuM: *Snicker!*

BPT slings GH into the ropes and GH holds on to them and gathers his senses, and barely gets out of the way as BPT tries to get him with a running elbow. GH goes back to kicking BPT in the knee area as BPT falls to his one knee he gets GH with a stomach shot, and another. GH backpedals and BPT gets to his feet..GH makes a charge but BPT counters with a clothesline. GH falls to the canvas. BPT drops a few body-elbow shots, and tries for the Bitchmaker...GH grabs the bottom rope….Schwartz moves to the ringside trying to motivate him. Both men are back standing and GH goes back to the knee and misses and BPT tries for a reverse neck-breaker, but gets slapped away. GH then turns and gets BPT into a german suplex hold and drives him into a series of 3 german suplexes..getting up GH then takes a few shots at BPT’s knee again.

Monroe: Looks like GH has been studying some of BPT’s methodical wrestling style as he keeps attacking that knee. I wonder how BPT is gonna take that turn?

GH goes to the top rope to try to get a no chair included Swine-a-Sault. With his back turned he can’t see, but Schwartz pulls BPT to the side somewhat. As GH goes for the move he only hits Canvas…roughly. GH is holding his wrist in pain…BPT lurches up to a standing position and stomps on GH’s hand mercilously…BPT then kicks and drops knees into GH’s lower back. BPT goes for Bitchmaker again, but GH rolls out to which BPT makes a quick adjustment and starts stomping on GH’s wrist again. BPT then drags GH into the center of the ring….going for what looks to be a crossface submission…BPT turns it into and armbar stretch that pulls on the shoulder but in actuality is bending GH’s wrist back. GH tries to claw and pull to the rope area…..Schwartz looks to be crying and pleads with GH to tap….GH writhes and tries to pull his way to the rope…Schwartz starts tapping her hand on the canvas and holding her hands over her mouth…she shakes her head and pleads with GH to tap….GH cannot reach the rope, and a sobbing Schwartz drives GH to tap out. The referee rings the bell and James White announces BPT as the winner.

Schwartz smiles and BPT rises in triumph…Schwartz runs into the ring as GH gets to a knee in a look of utter shame…Schwartz looks down and him and smacks GH across the face and laughs at him. GH looks stunned as BPT gives him a boot behind the head knocking GH nearly cold…..BPT lifts GH into the air and carries him towards the announcer side of the ring. BPT seems to be saying……BPT:”I have a present for you Mama.” And tosses GH over the top rope barely missing the announcer table.

JM: I'd rather have Schwartz. Throw her this way.

Monroe: I can't believe she did that to Ghost Hog! Jezebel!

MarcuM: I predicted it! Schwartz has signed on with a real man and a Roller and Ghost Hog's punk ass went over the top rope!

Schwartz and BPT go off together arm in arm as GH struggles to his feet he sees the two laughing and walking off together you can see the rage in his eyes. GH starts to tear up the announcer table and monitors and mics fly..he flips the table and knocks Monroe into JM. GH screams into the air and JM stands up looking distraught and sees a rip in his clothing. JMama grabs a metal chair and yells for GH. GH turns around and JM lays a huge chair shot to GH’s head and then drops the chair ontop of the out cold GH. JM then very casualy takes off his mic and walks to the back.

Monroe: That will teach GH some manners.

Marcum: One shot! One shot!

Monroe: Indeed. Can you believe what Schwartz did? Whatta woman….

MarcuM: That's a real woman, Monroe!