*Balls Nasty is in the Cheesedome cafeteria, loading up his tray with fried chicken and corn dogs. A man with a microphone runs up to him.*

Balls Nasty, do you have any words about you being booked in a match with King Snarf after your performance in this last PPV in your Last Man Standing Steel Cage match and his.... you know?

*Balls looks confused.*

Who the hell are you?

Man: I don't know. There are so many new interview people announced on this show that I've kinda lost track of who even I am. But back to my question. Snarf's last showing at the PPV was less than stellar, but he is a former champion.

Balls: He may be a former champion, but he's currently the reigning chumpion. Snarf's rode on the coat tails of others his whole career. Without others to hold his sorry ass up, he falls flat on his face every time. Why do you think that he's resorted to mindless, petty gimmick matches? It's because he has no skill, or brains. I'm not even lacing up my ring boots or putting on my ring gear. I'm fighting as is tonight, and it'll all be done in a matter of seconds. Now get out from between me and the cream corn!