OK, so I'm doing one of these short Joey reviews for this piece of shite. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. Mark Waid sucks...all his new stuff sucks balls...Uschi's balls. Wally is now in charge of the Flash family...hahahahhah..actually not funny. They took a great concept and character and totally fucked him up to match some Kingdom Come bullshit. Didio has totally fucked the DC Universe. The Acuna art is also completely horrid. Thanks Mark Waid for totally fucking up my fucking favorite character....whatta shitbag.

Didn't they learn anything from Spider-Man or countless other characters made lame by Wives and kids??? I don't want fucking reality based comic books I want fucking "comic books". If I want a action movie or a family comedy I'll fucking go watch one you sick fucks.

Fuck DC in the ass.