Hotties Mach

*Sweet Marlene vs. Heidi Schwartz

Schwartz is in the ring with BPT, who is screaming and ranting about "Who's gonna get us our sodas now?"

Monroe: This promises to be a pretty exciting match...

Marcum: I know I always get excited when there's a Hotties Match!

<Christina Aguilera's 'Candyman' plays as Sweet Marlene heads down the ramp to the ring, followed closely by Killconey, who tries to play to the fans as though nothing's wrong but is clearly still limping a little...>

Monroe: Again, Killconey hasn't yet been cleared for in-ring action, and we can clearly see why...

Marcum: Yeah, Balls Nasty tossed him around like the rest of the gimmicky jobbers!


James White rings the bell and the match is under way. The two women circle each other warily, neither one sure of what to expect from the other. Finally, Heidi charges in swinging a closed right fist, but Sweet Marlene dodges to the left and counters with a right hand of her own. The two of them exchange blows a few more times before Schwartz gets in a leg sweep and takes Sweet Marlene to the mat...

Monroe: Looks like Heidi Schwartz has the upper hand at the moment...

Marcum: She obviously loves to be on top!


Schwartz attempts to hammer on Sweet Marlene from on top, but Marlene uses her strength and leverage to roll Schwartz off herself. Marlene attempts to maneuver Schwartz into a cross-body elbow-joint lock, but Schwartz wriggles free and scrambles back to her corner. The two women get back to their feet and square off against each other again...

Marcum: Don’t be shy, ladies!

Heidi comes out of her corner swinging again, this time getting in a few good hits. Sweet Marlene staggers back, and Killconey pounds the mat behind her as he cheers her on. Finally, Marlene comes up swinging, and after a few good hits, leg-sweeps Schwartz to the mat and lands an elbow-drop on her!

Monroe: Whoa!

Schwartz is staggered but manages to scramble away before Marlene can lock her up. She tries to get to her feet, but Marlene leg-sweeps her from the mat and she falls again...

Monroe: Schwartz had the advantage from arm’s length, but the mat game clearly belongs to Sweet Marlene!

Sweet Marlene goes for the lock-up and gets Schwartz in an ankle-lock. It looks like Heidi is about to tap out when BPT suddenly slides into the ring and starts yelling at Lothar, distracting him long enough for Schwartz to rake at Marlene’s eyes, causing her to break the hold. Heidi gets to her feet and starts kicking at the recovering Marlene. Lothar eases BPT back to the ropes, where he is yanked out of the ring by Killconey!

Marcum: Hey! Killconey’s interfering with the match! He can’t do that!

Lothar is so distracted by Killconey and BPT that he doesn’t see Schwartz going for the cover on Sweet Marlene. Heidi waits and waits with Marlene pinned under her, but Lothar doesn’t turn around. Schwartz screams in frustration. She picks up Marlene for a Crowd Control (Widow's Peak), but Marlene rolls out of it and grabs Schwartz' skirt, holding her in position for a pin!

Marcum: Hey!!! That’s cheating!

Sweet Marlene goes for the cover and the three-count, and Lothar calls for the bell!

Monroe: It’s over!

Marcum: No fair! I call shenanigans!

Before Sweet Marlene can celebrate in the ring, Heidi Schwartz attacks her! The two are engaged in a hair-pulling catfight as Killconey and BPT slug it out on the apron! Security heads out to separate the groups before things can get too out of hand.

Monroe: The feud between these two factions is rapidly heating up! It could explode any minute!!!

Close up of Schwartz screaming at Sweet Marlene as BPT holds her back. Fade to black...

Last edited by Grimm; 2007-08-22 9:29 PM. Reason: Sammitched again!