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1 -- C.M. PUNK vs. ELIJAH BURKE -- ECW Title match
WINNER: Punk in 12:00 to retain the ECW Title. Not a bad way to start the show with solid competition in the ring, but the match stayed in first gear with Burke focusing his attack on Punk's back for several minutes. (**)

2 -- MATT HARDY & MVP vs. DEUCE & DOMINO (w/Cherry) -- WWE Tag Title match
WINNERS: Hardy & MVP in 10:00 to retain the WWE Tag Titles. Standard tag match with no one in the arena believing The Greasers had any chance of winning the match. The storyline with Hardy and MVP continues to be one of the more intriguing programs in the company. (*1/2)

3 -- TRIPLE H vs. CARLITO -- No DQ for Carlito only
WINNER: Hunter in 10:00. Serviceable gimmick match with enough tricks in the bag to keep the match interesting. No one in the building expected Carlito to win, but there were enough dicey moments for Hunter to create the slightest bit of doubt during the match. Hunter overcomes the slightly stacked deck to continue the rebuilding process. (**1/4)

4 -- CANDICE MICHELLE vs. BETH PHOENIX -- Women's Title match
WINNER: Candice in 8:00 to retain the Women's Title. We have the makings of the female version of John Cena with the booking, just without the hot crowd element. (*)

5 -- GREAT KHALI (w/Translator Guy) vs. BATISTA vs. REY MYSTERIO -- World Hvt. Title match
WINNER: Batista in 9:00 to capture the World Hvt Title. Really nice title match with the story, not necessarily the in-ring action. Crowd was into the match consistently for the first time tonight and it helped create a dramatic finish. Since the belt is cursed, it will be interesting to see how long Batista holds the belt. (**3/4)

6 -- CADE & MURDOCH vs. BRIAN KENDRICK & PAUL LONDON -- World Tag Title match
WINNERS: Cade & Murdoch in 12:00 to retain the World Tag Titles. Trainwreck tag match. Fans have to be given a reason to care about London & Kendrick, but WWE hasn't taken the time to focus on that aspect of the character development, which means fans are sitting on their hands while the New Rockers are flying all over the place. (*1/4)

7 -- JOHN CENA vs. RANDY ORTON -- WWE Title match
WINNER: Orton via DQ in 8:00; Cena retains the belt. Just a really cheap finish to a title match that was supposed to be the centerpiece of the PPV. Really weak to use a non-finish to set up the next PPV title match on the current PPV. (*1/2)

WINNER: Taker in 12:00. Slow, methodical, at times boring main event. Satisfying conclusion for hardcore Taker fans, but not enough to make up for a lackluster PPV offering. (*)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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