Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Yeah it was a Two Morrows book. I believe there is another JSA one coming out soon that covers the All Star Squadron & Infinity Inc. stuff btw.

Thanks, M E M.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

I hope it didn't look like I was implying that Grell was facing resistence from Levitz on the race stuff. Grell was vague in the interview & the [Tyroc] stuff he talked about all happened before Levitz came on board.

Not at all. I got the impression you meant at the editorial level, from DC. And Levitz was just a freelance writer and editorial assistant at that point (1976), a grunt in the DC army. Even among DC management, I think it was more about what they thought would or wouldn't sell, or what they thought would thin readership, that made them resistant to minority characters in those days.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

I remember being dissapointed at first with the new Invisible Kid. It just seemed like a lame power for the 30th century. Levitz used him to good effect though & I had the impression that he was a favorite along with the White Witch & Element Lad.

Yeah, I was unsure of him myself, but Jacques Foccart grew on me, and developed nicely during the Darkness Saga (290-294) and especially in issues 298-299.

I also liked the developments with Chameleon Boy, Timberwolf and Blok, Colossal Boy and Shrinking Violet (from 287-305). Plus other developments in those issues with Braniac 5 and Supergirl, Cosmic Boy and Night Girl (especially 296-297), and others. There was character development, mixed with a lot of playful humor.