*More Human than Human" plays during Havok's opening montage and we see the T & Angels dancing in the ring as Mike Monroe's voice welcomes us to Havok.

Monroe: Fans, our main event this week, Ghost Hog has challenged the general manager of the RDCW to a match! That's right, Doc Paragon will step into the ring this week with the Hog of War!

MarcuM: And he'll be crying Havok by the end of the night for sure!

Monroe: But also, due to last week's events, Joe Mama has been named the special referee for this match!

MarcuM: It's just more of Paragon's conspiracies against Ghost Hog!

Monroe: Keep drinking that Kool-Aid, Madman.

MarcuM: That's my curvac-I mean water!

Monroe: Let's go to the ring!

Main Event
Ghost Hog vs. Doc Paragon
Ref: Joe Mama

Grudge Match
Grimm vs. El Superbeasto

Tag Match
Chewy & KC vs. English Bastards

RDCW Tryouts
Jade Dragon vs. Pecos Pleather Pete

Hotties Tag Match
Meeko/Sweet Marlene vs. Schwartz/Grace