*The Final Countdown plays and a man in a white ninja suit with a black sash enters the arena. He's also wearing a black armband with a white "0" on it. He stands on the entrance platform and throws an object down at his feet. There is a flash and a bunch of smoke. When the smoke clears, there are eight more men in ninja costumes, only theirs are black with white sashes and each is wearing a white armband with a black numeral on them, from 1-8. The music continues as they walk down to the ring with the ninja in white surrounded by the ones in black. They climb into the ring and the one in white stands in the middle of the ring while each of the others take up positions either at the corners or along the ropes at each side of the ring. The music fades out as the apparent leader starts to speak.*

Ninja "0": You may call me the Deathmaster. I am a mysterious man from Johnny Evil's past and I am here to take my revenge! As you can see, I have not come alone! I have traveled the world in search of men to make up an unbeatable force! These men are my Eight Greats, the Fighting Masters!

Now is the perfect time for my revenge! I can't stand all the hype right now about Johnny Evil's threat to use the Doomchoke on Grimm! I see all of you in your Doomchoke t-shirts. Drinking that special Doomchoke Mountain Dew. Reading books that speculate about what the Doomchoke is. Playing the Doomchoke edition of Scrabble. Driving the Doomchoke edition Nissan Versa. Moving to New Zealand where it's legal to name your children "Doomchoke". Watching Britney Spears flub her attempted comeback at the MTV awards because she stayed up all night thinking about the Doomchoke. Yes, even I saw this video that was shown at the Orlando Comic Con.

*The screen shows an animated interior. Professor Farnsworth from Futurama comes in through the door.*

Professor: Good news everyone! Johnny Evil is going to let Grimm have it with the Doomchoke!

*The Planet Express crew cheers.*

Fry: Someone told me that if Johnny Evil does that to you you're more doomed than you'd be if Doctor Doom was chasing you on Mount Doom while riding on Doomsday's back!

*We go back to the ring.*

Deathmaster: Everywhere you go, no matter where you look it's Doomchoke, Doomchoke, Doomchoke! Everyone's talking about it! Pauly Shore, Steven Colbert, Stephen Hawking, Michael Jordan, the Dali Lama, the crew of the International Space Station, Tim Robbins, Anson "Potsie" Williams and his uncle Dr. Henry Heimlich, creator of the Heimlich Maneuver! All of them! Going on and on and on about the Doomchoke! I'm here to stop all of that! Johnny Evil, you must defeat each of my Eight Greats, the Fighting Masters before you fight me! Only if you can defeat me after all of that will I reveal my true identity! Don't think this will be an easy task! Behold my Eight Greats! Behold my Fighting Masters!

Fighting Master number 8 is a master of Mexican style Lucha Libre! He is the Lucha Master! Number 7 is a brutal master of Muay Thai! He is the Merciless Master! Number 6 is one of the strongest men in the world! He's so strong he can lift a table with a bunch of stuff on it and throw it off of a balcony! He is the Power Master! Number 5 is a disgraced former boxing champion! He is the Batshit Crazy Punching Master! Number 4 is an Olympic Wrestling champion! He is the Champion Grappling Master! Number 3 is an Olympic Judo champion! He is the Champion Grappling Only It's Japanese-like Grappling Master! Number 2 I forget what he does. I'm sorry. This is a really long speech. Crap. What does he do again? Crap. This is embarrassing. I mean, I planned this for a long time, you know? Now I can't remember what he does. Uhm, he's the Mysterious Master. Yeah, that'll work. Finally, number one is your former rival from the Tae Kwon Do place you studied at in Korea.

Number 1: It was in Indiana.

Deathmaster: What?

Number 1: The Tae Kwon Do place was in Indiana.

Deathmaster: Well, it sounds better if it was in Korea.

Number 1: I've never even been to Korea.

Deathmaster: Shut up! You're ruining it!

Mysterious Master: Oh, like you didn't blow it when you introduced me!

Deathmaster: Shut up!

Batshit Crazy Punching Master: I don't really like having "Batshit" in my name.

Deathmaster: Shut up! Everyone shut up!

Mysterious Master: It's Kendo, by the way.

Deathmaster: What?

Mysterious Master: Kendo. I'm a master of Kendo.

Lucha Master: What? With the sticks?

Myterious Master: It's called a Shinai, and yes.

Power Master: How is that going to work in a wrestling match?

Mysterious Master: I don't know. He's paying me. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a job when Kendo is your only real skill? He was going to call me the Stick Mater.

Deathmaster: Shut up! Shut up, shut up SHUT UP!

Mysterious Master: Really, Mysterious Master is a lot better.

Deathmaster: Are you done? Are you? Are you? Huh? Can I finish?

Power Master: Well, I...

Deathmaster: SHUT UP! OK? Shut up! Jeez! I'm almost done!

Power Master: Sorry.

Deathmaster: Fine. Number 1 is the Korean Master.

Korean Master: But I just said I've never been to...

Deathmaster: SHUT UP! Oh, and I'll only reveal my true identity if Johnny Evil uses the Doomchoke on me instead of Grimm! How do you like that, jerk!

*Ghaleon's Theme plays and Johnny Evil comes out onto the platform.*

JE: I don't like it at all, so I'm just going to go down there and take your stupid mask off.

Deathmaster: But you have to fight each of the Fighting Masters first.

JE: Nope. Just gonna go down there and take off your mask.

Deathmaster. Well, maybe a tag team...

JE: Just gonna go down there and take off your mask.

Deathmaster: Could you just fight a couple...

JE: Go down there, take off mask.

Deathmaster: How...

JE: There. Mask.

Deathmaster: Uh, stop him guys!

Merciless Master: What?

Mysterious Master: I don't even have my stick!

Champion Grappling Only It's Japanese-like Grappling Master: I thought it was a Shinai...

Mysterious Master: I'm not fighting without one! I'm usually wearing a bunch of padding too!

Deathmaster: Just stop him! He's going to get me! I'll pay you double!

*The Fighting Masters move in to stop JE as he charges the ring. He quickly dispatches each of them with ridgehand chops to the back of the neck. The last one left is the Korean Master.*

Korean Master: I see you've mastered it.

JE: Oh, yeah. It works really well, but it isn't really flashy, y'know?

Korean Master: You dare talk that way about the Sabeomnim's ultimate technique?

JE: Oh, the fancy talk now. You're about as Korean as a Buick.

Korean Master: I tried to tell him.

JE: Whatever.

*JE hits him with the ridgehand to the back of the neck too and steps up to the Deathmaster.*

JE: Take off the mask, Cap.

*The Deathmaster removes his mask, revealing that he's the Captain of Outer Space.*

CoOS: You knew?

JE: Of course I did. Let this be a lesson to everyone. Never use a crazy, overly complicated plan to get me. The last thing anyone wants is for me to be the serious one.

CoOS: I'm sorry, Johnny. I was already mad about you attacking me and almost ending my career when you joined the Bastardos and then there was all that stuff about the Doomchoke...

JE: Don't worry about it. I'll tell you what. I'll take you and your Fighting Masters out to the 7-11 for Doomchoke Mountain Dew Slurpees.

Fighting Masters (in unison): Hooray!

CoOS: Gee, Johnny. I had you all wrong. You really are a swell guy!

JE: C'mere, you!

*JE puts CoOS into a headlock and gives him a noogie. He lets him go and they both burst out laughing and lead the way for the Fighting Masters to a bus waiting to take them to the 7-11.*

Mysterious Master: I could have stopped him if I would have had my shinai.

Champion Grappling Master: Shut up! He's buyin' us Slurpees!

*And we cut to a commercial for the Doomchoke Mastercard.*