September, 2007

The Tag Teams

1.)The West Side Rollers (Krazed/J)-The reigning RDCW World Tag Team Champions. With the injury to Big Pimp Tim, the RDCW Championship Committee has allowed J to be substituted in title defenses. But can the WSR maintain their lead with so many teams at their heels?

2.)The Cheapions (Chewy Walrus/Killconey)-Returning from a series of injuries, the journeyman team is back and hasn't missed a step. Their goal: Taking the tag team titles!

3.)The Otaku (BFE/Hiro)-Evil's henchmen continue to edge closer to the top of the rankings. But do they desire the gold, or merely to wreak their own special anime influenced brand of Havok on the RDCW?

4.)The MWO (Nova/Zod)-The popular and funny troupe has surprised even themselves with their recent rash of wins!

5.)The English Bastards (Kilburn & Stephens)-Charlie's pair of thugs seem more content to hand out beatings than to win matches right now. With the right focus, they could be dangerous.

6.)Joe Mama/Grimm -The dangerous duo cracks the tag rankings with their violent win over the Otaku last month! If they decide to go after the belts, who could stop them? Aside from each other. . .

7.) James & Ryan Fantastic -The wild eyed brother team from the UK has a lot of enthusiasm, but seem unfocused. They remain crowd favorites, but are they too concerned about pleasing the fans?

The Singles
1.)"The Enforcer" Joe Mama-The reigning RDCW World Heavyweight Champion remains atop the rankings. His alliance with Grimm and Harleykwin could prove fruitful or destructive. JM defeated Krazed, but at times seemed to be distracted. There is also the question of the looming spectre of Ghost Hog in JM's path.

2.)"The Hog of War" Ghost Hog -Ghost Hog's Rage Against the RDCW has come into full effect. Everyone seems to be a target from the General Manager, Doc Paragon to the Champion, Joe Mama. Who will cry Havok and unleash the Hog of War?

3.)"The King King" Johnny Evil -The leader of The Otaku jumps up the ladder with his surprising victory over Grimm and the addition of El Superbeasto to the ranks of his followers and the successful viral DOOMCHOKE! campaign. But can Evil continue to flourish with Grimm's sites fully set on him?

4.)"The Diabolos Ex Machina" Grimm -The MONSTER of the RDCW continues on his rampage, now having revealed Harleykwin as the mystery motivator behind his alliance with Joe Mama. But can he prevail against Johnny Evil's DOOMCHOKE! and the return of El Superbeasto?

5.)Balls Nasty-Still unbeaten, Nasty has turned his attention towards harassing a group of prospective RDCW wrestlers in the hope of scaring them away from the company. However one Jade Dragon seems determined to stand against Balls' wrath.

6.)Krazed-With the injury to BPT, and following subsequent losses to King Snarf and Joe Mama, Krazed seems to be returning his focus towards keeping the tag team titles in the possession of the West Side Rollers. For now.

7.)King Snarf-Snarf vaults back into the rankings for the first time in quite a while with his victory over Krazed in the C.A.T.C.H.! Can the former champion regain his past glory?

8.)Captain Sammitch-Sammitch plummets down the rankings with his inactivity since Scammiversary.

9.)Spandex Monkey Man-A pair of wins rockets the beloved Spamm into the rankings! Can the MWO leader maintain his momentum?

10.)"The Million $ Pitbull" Charlie-It seems there's one thing Charlie's money cannot buy him: success in the ring!

Let me tell you something, just because something is in a graphic format doesn't mean it needs to be apologized for. And just because a novel is serious, doesn't mean it's serious fiction. The only thing comics should worry about is telling a good story. You do that and people will find it. -Brad Meltzer