Tag Match
Cheapions vs. English Bastards

Krazed and J decided to join the commentary team at ringside as they watched two rival tag teams proceed to beat the hell out of each other. Eager to prove themselves in front of the West Side Rollers, the English Bastards pressed an early advantage using Kilburn's power and Stephens' speed to put their opponents on the ropes. But after nearly a month's absence from the ring, both Chewy Walrus and Killconey were out for blood. Stephens threw Chewy into the ropes to set up his Strong-Arm Tactics, but Chewy rebounded off the ropes and launched into Stephens with a Walrus Tusk! Rather than go for the pin, Chewy tagged Killconey in, then proceeded to go after Kilburn, who was arguing with Krazed and J at the announcers' table! Already sore from a post-match brawl the previous week, Stephens was in even worse condition after Chewy's signature move, and Kilburn was too busy brawling with Krazed and J and Chewy to come to his aid. After taking a series of vicious kicks from Killconey, Stephens got to his feet just in time for Killconey to hit him with Xenocide! Still not satisfied, Killconey climbed to the top rope and nailed the prone Stephens with the Fires of Heaven before finally going for the cover and the pin. But rather than celebrate, Killconey dashed out of the ring and joined his tag partner in the battle by the announcer's table, which dragged on until security removed all five men from ringside as paramedics checked on the barely conscious Stephens in the ring...

Singles Match
Grimm vs. El Superbeasto

This match was joined in progress following the ad break as members of the Otaku were handcuffed to the ring posts to prevent their interference! Grimm and Superbeasto brawled through the arena with attempting to use power moves to wear down the other.

Finally, Grimm put Superbeasto in the Grimmlock and locked in the hold, attempting to get the win via submission! Superbeasto struggled to reach the ropes, and with his size, eventually grabbed the bottom rope. But Grimm held onto the move, refusing to let go! The referee called for the bell, but Grimm still held the hold on!

Johnny Evil returned to the ring and and hit a Cro-Martie Kick on Grimm, finally causing him to drop the hold! Evil then hit a Mr. Toad's Wild Ride before unlocking his teammates and heading out of the arena.