Hotties Match
Harleykwin vs. Ariel

The mistress of jest defeated the queen of the Otaku after a Ha-Ha-Hangover (450 splash) following a botched attempt at interference by BFE! Ariel missed her infamous Jiggle Counter move much to the chagrin of the fans (and Madman MarcuM!) allowing Harleykwin to get the win!

Tag Match
Cheapions vs. West Side Rollers

Still nursing a grudge from last week’s ringside battle, both teams charged in swinging, with Big Pimp Tim and Chewy Walrus facing off to start the match. Both fighters exchanged some solid contact, but Tim’s speed prevented Chewy from pressing his strength advantage, and vice versa. After reaching a stalemate, more or less, BPT tagged Krazed in as Chewy tagged Killconey...

Monroe: This should be interesting...

Marcum: An interesting ass-kicking by Krazed!

The high-flyers Killconey and Krazed proved to be just as evenly matched, with a slight strength advantage to Krazed and a slight speed advantage to Killconey. But before this matchup could bog down into another stalemate, Sweet Marlene and Heidi Schwartz began shouting at each other across the ring! Meeko tried to hold Marlene back as J restrained Schwartz, but eventually the rival Hotties broke free and began laying into each other at ringside!

Monroe: Uh oh! Here we go again!

Marcum: I know!

As the ringside fight continued, Krazed got in a few solid hits that staggered Killconey for a moment. It was all Krazed needed to climb the turnbuckle and nail Killconey with a Frequent Flyer!

Monroe: Wow! Did you see that?

Marcum: I’m sorry, are they fighting over there?


Krazed went for the cover, but Killconey kicked out after a one-count. Undeterred, Krazed grappled with Killconey and maneuvered him into the Clincher!

Marcum: Oh, look! Killconey’s gonna tap out!

Killconey fought to break free but couldn’t. He rolled over and pounded on the mat... but Lothar was distracted by the escalating violence at ringside! Krazed shouted again and again to get Lothar’s attention, but it didn’t do him any good. Just as Lothar turned around, Chewy slipped into the ring and broke up the hold...

Marcum: Hey! He can’t do that!

Monroe: Like it’s never been done before...

Krazed hurriedly tagged BPT back in as Killconey tagged Chewy while struggling back to his corner. The two heavyweights went at each other again as Krazed and Killconey took a moment to catch their breath... before rushing over and joining the fight between Sweet Marlene and Heidi Schwartz...

Monroe: I’m feeling some definite déja vu here...

Marcum: You can say that again!

With a concerted effort, Big Pimp Tim slung Chewy Walrus into the ropes, but Chewy recovered on the rebound and hit Tim with a Walrus Wallop! Tim hit the mat hard, but quickly struggled back to his feet before Chewy could go on the offensive. He recovered in time to block a hard right from Chewy and countered with a low blow! As Chewy staggered back, BPT paused, distracted by Schwartz’s hollering at ringside. J and Meeko were trying unsuccessfully to separate the four fighters battling it out near the announcer’s table, and Sweet Marlene and Killconey were double-teaming Krazed as Schwartz tried and failed to pry them off...

Marcum: That’s the kind of collective frustration you only get from married life!


Big Pimp Tim turned and took a few steps toward the far corner of the ring, shouting at Krazed to man up and defend himself. He turned around just in time for Chewy Walrus to level him with the Walrus Tusk!

Marcum: \:damn\: !

This time, Lothar was right there as Chewy went for the cover and the pin. James White rang the bell, which pulled Krazed, Killconey, Sweet Marlene, and Heidi Schwartz away from their ringside brawl long enough for the Rollers to become outraged at the match’s outcome, and the fighting resumed in earnest. As Big Pimp Tim rolled around woozily in the ring, Chewy Walrus slid beneath the ropes and headed toward the fight, but security intervened before he could get there and began prying the two livid factions apart...

Monroe: Another controversial match! Another brawl at ringside! The tension between the West Side Rollers and the Cheapions has exploded into an all-out war as these two factions are heading for a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match for the tag title at Halloween Handjobs! Stay tuned!
