Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
The Impossible Planet

Part one

Was on BBC America tonight.

It was ok. At least now I know why the planet is impossible.. there is no way a planet can defy the extreme gravity of a nearby black hole.

The aliens look partially what I think the aliens from "Have Spacesuit, Will Travel " ought to look like.

I actually really like this two-parter. The commercials really break the mood, though. You should try it again on DVD. The second-part is really freaking good, in my opinion.

BTW, fun Who fact: The man who does the voice of "Sutekh" in Tom Baker's Pyramids of Mars is the dark "voice" you hear in these episodes. Very nice...


another Who fun fact: I forget his name, but the guy who played Admiral Piet in Empire Strikes Back was in Pyramids Of Mars.. he was the bald dude with the mustache.

The house Pyramids of Mars was filmed in was owened by Mick Jagger, who was in Freejack with Emilio Estevez, who was in Young Guns with Keifer Sutherland who was in Flatliners with Kevin Bacon.