Hotties Handicap Match
Meeko/Sweet Marlene vs. Schwartz

Havok returned from break with all three women in the ring. Marlene decided to go first as Meeko stood on the apron as Schwartz readied herself.

Monroe: Schwartz could not find a partner tonight, as no one wanted to team with her due to her past history with partners.

MarcuM: Hey, she simply hasn't found anyone else at her level!

Schwartz battled valiantly, but the numbers advantage between Meeko and Marlene eventually wore her down. As the female Cheapions worked on Schwartz, Sick of Life by Godsmack began to play as J walked down to ringside.

Monroe: What the hell is he doing here? I don't see him carrying any sodas!

MarcuM: He's seeing to Schwartz' protection, just like BPT told him to!

Indeed, as the women fought, J climbed up onto the apron and into Schwartz's corner. As Schwartz was knocked backwards by a double dropkick, J tagged himself into the match!

Monroe: J's in the ring! He just tagged into the ring!

MarcuM: Lothar's allowing it!

J stepped into the ring and caught Meeko with a Ridgesword, following up on Marlene with an Elbow Slammer! J strutted around the ring, letting out a pair of s as the crowd jeered him heavily. J taunted the crowd, confident in his prowess.

Monroe: This is disgusting! I can't believe Lothar's letting this go on!

MarcuM: Hey, it's about time someone put those two arrogant women in their place!


J turned around, prepared to continue his dominance, but was caught by a kick to the gut and a Meekoplex! J landed on his head and groggily went to the ropes were a fresh Schwartz tagged back in! Schwartz caught Meeko with a Crowd Control (Widow's Peak), taking her out!

Marlene attempted to get back into the match, but tripped over the still groggy J, allowing for Schwartz to hit another Crowd Control and get the three count!

MarcuM: Brilliant! J and Schwartz just outsmarted the Cheapions! I love it!

Monroe: You would.

MarcuM: The West Side Rollers are dominating tonight! It's a preview of Halloween Handjobs!

Monroe: We'll see if they can hold up, Big Pimp Tim vs. Chewy Walrus! Next!